The Boleyn Effect (The Boorman Ending)
question nervously.
    'Believe me babe, she
does. All she needs is a reason.'
    'But surely the
    'Leigh, come on less of
the questions. You said you trusted me. Now look this over and
    I grab hold of it and
start to read over what I'm about to sign. My task is to get Harry
Cobain to fall in love with me within the allotted time. If I'm
successful then George would buy the studio of my choosing and
invest in my first gallery showing.
    Shit! Not just a deposit,
but a full investment. I glance quickly at George and he gives me a
smile. He's up the ante and now I need to read on to see what would
happen if I lose.
    If Harry Cobain leaves me
then I Leigh-Anne Boorman agree to marry George Gaskill.
    Taking a deep breath, I
re-read the contract. Everything about this is wrong. Why the
deceit? Why doesn't she just list all Harry's previous
misdemeanours? And why in hell am I so damn tempted to pick up the
pen and sign my name? It's because Harry is already interested.
He's as good as mine and my ego and body loves the attention. If
Katherine Cobain wants to end her marriage then I may as well have
fun helping her and gain something from George.
    George watches me sign and
with a deep breath gets to his feet and signs his name also. This
is it. The game is well and truly on. We are about to help some
woman hang her husband and I'm just the rope to do it.
    'So it's all official,' I
say trying to keep the tone light.
    'I suppose it is.' He
says. 'Look Leigh, your safety is paramount. If you want out then
we tear this up and forget it.'
    'Why would I feel unsafe?'
I ask.
    I am getting nervous. Why
didn't he mention this before I signed?
    'I mean emotionally hurt,'
he answers.
    I start to laugh with
relief. 'Don't worry. It's a game. Trust me this heart is well and
truly guarded.'
    'Make sure it is. Leigh
it's really important that if you do this that you understand
timing is important. You can't rush this. It's six months for a
reason. It took Anne Boleyn three years. He has to love you, none
of this lust shit, but real love. Six months is your deadline any
earlier and it won't work and you still lose.'
    I don't really understand
what he means, but I am sure it's all about this thesis. He wants
it to be authentic. A real case study and so it's got to be
    'I understand,' I
    'And Leigh, when this is
over then it's over. Harry can't keep you.'
    'OK,' I
    'Leigh!' he
    'Yes, it's over. He can't
keep me.'
    Later that day, I have no
choice but to contact Katherine and arrange another meeting. To my
dismay she asks me to meet her at her office that day. Shit, the
gods must have it in for me. Maybe that is my sign. The contract is
still fresh in my mind and I am nervous about seeing her. But I
must remember that I am doing her a favour, she doesn't know it
    An hour later, I am
standing in the most amazing office I've ever stood in. I thought
the Gaskills stank of money, but here is where money and power
really sits. This is an empire and I'm messing with half of it. No
wonder Harry quipped about him being the gold digger.
    After being led into the
room by some high heeled pencil skirted secretary, I have no choice
but to take in my surroundings. There are the usual Apple products
on display upon a glass and chrome desk. Also I spy a few framed
pictures of Katherine and Harry on some boat looking sun kissed and
happy and another one of them at some posh party. This is the
reality of the situation. My competition. The woman I need to
    The door opens and in she
walks. Dressed head to foot in a navy blue suit with black patent
high heels. With her hair tied neatly and tight on her head, I find
myself aware of my cheap casual Primarni clothes.
    'Have you been offered a
drink?' she asks as she sweeps in.
    'Yes, thanks. I'm sorry
I've had to cancel. I've had some unexpected appointments,' I
    Katherine sits down with a
warm smile on her face.
    'It's not a problem. I
know what it's like

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