The Boleyn Effect (The Boorman Ending)
always talks louder. I scramble into his lap and groan meeting
hardness against my dampening centre.
    His hands knead my covered
breasts as I grind my groin against his. Denim against denim.
Tongues clashing in each other's mouth. Hot breath on each other's
skin. Sexual tension pungent in such a small space.
    Finally, I push away with
my back against the steering wheel I try to control my breathing as
his hands squeezes my thighs and move up down not quite going where
I want them to. During our make out, he's kept his hands above my
waistline, remaining on my breasts. Maybe he's nervous of going too
far after I ignored him last time. Playing the gentleman, for now
at least. Just until the boundaries are established.
    'Is this how you say
goodbye to all your friends?'
    'Not all my friends are
like you,' I answer.
    I shift slightly in his
lap and the action causes him to close his eyes briefly. I smile. I
can easily have him eating out of the palm of my hand.
    'I should go,' I
    'You get me all fired up
and then leave me hanging,' he whines.
    'Friends remember,' I
answer smiling.
    I shuffle from his lap and
he winces once more. Reaching for the door his hand grabs mine and
holds me still.
    'What we talked about
earlier about one night stands; just so you know I would never do
that to you. You are the white rose.'
    'No, you wouldn't because
friends would never do that to each other,' I answer.
    I pull away and climb out
of the car giving him a small wave.
    'Goodbye Harry,' I
    I watch him drive away
before turning towards my front door. The light is on and I sigh.
What made me decide to give George his own key? He no doubt watched
all the goings on and now I have to prepare for a lecture on some
detail I missed out of how Anne Boleyn wooed Henry VIII.


    'So are you going to give
me a lecture?' I ask as I walk through my door.
    George looks at me and
shrugs. The tense atmosphere is strong and now I'm beginning to
wish I'd stayed out longer.
    'Why should I? It seems
you've got it pretty much covered.'
    I frown at him
suspiciously. It's not like him to be so chilled out and with the
tense atmosphere it feels confusing and I wonder what he's up to.
So I ask.
    'I just came to see how
the date went. I thought I told you that sex was off the
    'You do know that this
isn't the 16th Century and that I can't use the promise of a son to
keep him interested. And, also I am not a virgin,' I
    George gives me a strange
look even though he's wearing a smile.
    'Are we trying to be
factious?' he asks.
    'No, but I think you need
to give me a bit more credit than you are doing. Like did you know
he's never had a mistress, only one night stands? I already know
how I'm going to play this. I am a woman after all and we haven't
changed much in all these years.'
    'Well there's no point in
me being here is there?' he sulks.
    I hate this, now I have to
make sure he knows I need him. It's all about control and if I give
it back to him then all will be well. I just wish he'd understand
that being a control freak is not the most attractive thing in the
world. It's a game we've always played together and I doubt it will
ever change. I grab hold of him and hug him tight. This always
works. Show a little affection and he'll be fine.
    I can smell the faint
aroma of drink and my heart drops. Jesus this is going to be a long
night. He can be such a child sometimes. Always desperate for
attention and love. It's always been the same. I am always the one
to pick him up whenever he falls down and I know that's why he
wants me. He needs me and that is so far removed to loving
    'Of course I need you. Who
else is going to keep me on the straight and narrow,' I
    'You know I love you don't
    I close my eyes. We can't
be doing this again. How many more times do we have to do
    'I love you too. You're my
best friend,' I answer.
    'What does he have that I
    I pull away from his grasp
and get

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