Cracked to Death

Free Cracked to Death by Cheryl Hollon

Book: Cracked to Death by Cheryl Hollon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Hollon
Unfortunately, if her mother was in the hospital, there was no way to reach her. Cell phones weren’t allowed in the intensive care unit.
    After picking up a notepad, she walked into the supply room and started a list of glass sheets to order. She could hear Burkart’s voice again reminding her of the strained budget.
    By the time she had finished the entire inventory, it was five minutes to ten and she had left two more voice messages on Amanda’s cell phone.
    The bell on the front door jangled, and SueAnn walked in, with Yvonne right behind. Each was carrying an armful of glass plates and bowls for today’s workshop.
    â€œGood mawnin’, Savannah.” SueAnn headed straight for the classroom.
    â€œHi, Savannah!” Yvonne smiled and shrugged her shoulders at SueAnn’s abruptness. “I guess she’s excited to see what comes out of our efforts today.” She followed SueAnn, who was removing a spiral notebook from her bag, along with a pen.
    The Rosenberg twins arrived next, with Patty between them. Rachel and Faith wore another one of their head-to-toe ensembles, this time in a vivid lilac. Patty had inadvertently played into their color scheme with a pale yellow T-shirt over green slacks. The colors assaulted Savannah’s eyes, having an impact that reminded her of a birthday confetti explosion.
    â€œI thought you told us yesterday that you were letting Amanda run Webb’s.” Rachel rolled her eyes at Savannah. “You do know how to delegate, don’t you? Your father was miserable at it.”
    Savannah took a deep, calming breath. “I know how to delegate. Make that ‘I’m learning how to delegate. ’ As soon as Amanda arrives, I’ll scoot over to the studio. She texted that she’s had a family emergency, but that it should be resolved by now. You know her mother’s health is a constant source of concern. She’s become very frail.”
    â€œOh my. Such a trial for Amanda,” said Faith. “We went to see her mother last week.”
    â€œBut our visit was short, since she didn’t know who we were.”
    Faith glared at Rachel. “Of course she didn’t remember us. It was the first time we ever met her.”
    With a measured stare, Rachel eyed the stack of glass dishes Faith was holding. “Do you have more dishes than I do?”
    â€œNo, of course not. You’re not counting properly.” Faith scurried into the classroom, followed by Rachel.
    Savannah walked through the classroom and stepped out the back door to see if Amanda was driving up. Nope.
    Looks like I’m teaching today.
    She returned to the classroom. Walking calmly up to the podium, Savannah opened the lesson plan notebook and flipped to the page marked “Day Two.”
    â€œSo until Amanda arrives, I’ll get us started for today.” She looked over the classroom and noticed the seat next to SueAnn was still empty. “Wait. Martin’s missing.”
    Could Martin be the unidentified diver?
    â€œTeacher’s pet,” said the Rosenberg twins in perfect unison. Samantha’s scowl forced them into a temporary silence.
    â€œHe’s the scruffy one with the strange bottles,” said Faith.
    â€œOf course. I wanted to tell him what I found out. They could be very valuable,” Savannah revealed. She looked at her watch again.
    He might actually know the diver. Maybe that’s why he’s running late. He’s probably texted Amanda to tell her that he will be delayed. Stop worrying.
    â€œLet’s not wait any longer. Today is a fun day. We’re making glass flowers for your garden using plates, bowls, cups, and whatever small pieces you want to recycle. I hope you brought plenty.” She ducked down to look into the storage shelves in the podium, then straightened.
    Thank goodness Amanda prepared for this yesterday afternoon , she thought.
    â€œI have a few examples for you down

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