psychic crystal 03 - killer cruise

Free psychic crystal 03 - killer cruise by Marilyn Baron

Book: psychic crystal 03 - killer cruise by Marilyn Baron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marilyn Baron
Tags: Suspense, Paranormal, Scarred Hero/Heroine
You and your daughter are the only ones who can identify that man, and he knows that, and he is somewhere on this ship. If he killed once, he will kill again.”
    Was that genuine concern in Will’s eyes? Or was she misreading him? He was walking ahead of them, which gave her a good view of his seriously fine backside and left her wondering what it would feel like to have her hands on him and his on her. Or what it might be like to have him inside of her.
    Juliette dismissed her naughty thoughts and sat down next to Kate again for another round of photo ID viewing. She doubted the man would be sloppy enough to show his true self in a passenger photo. The face of the man they had seen in the gallery was real. But she suspected he was smart enough to disguise his looks for the ID photo.
    Will huddled with the captain, and then Jack came in, and the three men were deep in conversation. Jack looked over at Kate and smiled, and, sensing his presence, she looked up and returned the smile, her upturned lips an open invitation.
    “I think the girls need a break,” said Jack. “They’ve been at it most of the night and all morning. Do you mind if we take them out on the deck to get a little sun?”
    “No, we have more than enough coverage on the banking meetings. Nothing seems to be happening there. We’ll resume our watch this afternoon.”
    Jack helped Kate up from her seat and kissed her forehead.
    “You look tired, honey.”
    “I’ve been staring at faces on a computer screen for an eternity.”
    “Well, let’s take a break in the cabin, get your bathing suit, and then we’ll meet Will and Juliette out on deck. Maybe we’ll take a dip in the pool, grab some lunch.”
    “That sounds blissful,” Kate sighed, hugging Jack.
    “What was that for?”
    “Oh, just because,” Kate said.
    They rode up in the elevator with Will and Juliette. Will was restraining himself, making an obvious attempt to keep his distance from Juliette. Maybe he actually believed she could turn him into a—well, a frog or something worse—with her magical talents.
    Jack opened the door of their suite, and they watched as Will and Juliette entered their cabin.
    “Will’s got it bad for your mother.”
    “Do you think?”
    “I know. He told me so. She’s a lot of woman to handle, but Will is determined to wear her down.”
    “If she doesn’t turn him into a frog first,” Kate said.
    “You’re not serious.”
    “My mother is a very powerful psychic. There are no limits to what she could do.”
    “She hasn’t taught you any of her tricks, has she?”
    “We’ve been training together, but we haven’t gotten to transformations yet.”
    “Good, because I sort of like this body.”
    “I like it too, very much,” said Kate, winding her arms around Jack’s neck.
    Jack touched his head to Kate’s.
    “Feeling frisky?” Jack whispered.
    “Always,” Kate said, shuddering. “I missed you.”
    “I missed you too, baby. Why don’t we take full advantage of this time alone?”
    “What exactly did you have in mind, husband?”
    Jack walked Kate backwards and gently pushed her back onto the bed. He jumped in next to her.
    “It starts with the fact that you’re wearing too many clothes,” he said, slowly undressing Kate and removing his own clothes.
    When she was naked, Jack moved his hands down her body, lingering on her breasts, her tummy, and then driving her wild with his fingers.
    “Oh, Jack, don’t stop, please. That feels... amazing.”
    Jack kept up the tension, licking her breasts, teasing her lips until she was panting with desire, taking shallow breaths. When she was about to go mad, he slipped into her and held on until they climaxed.
    Jack moved to Kate’s side and let out a breath. “Kate, being with you just keeps getting better and better.”
    Kate relaxed, stretched her arms and legs, and sighed in satisfaction.
    “You’re purring like a kitten,” Jack said, tracing his fingers over her body, skimming her

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