Earth's Last Angel

Free Earth's Last Angel by Leon Castle

Book: Earth's Last Angel by Leon Castle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leon Castle
from the beating they have just endured, a parting gift from Web, keen to get the last blow in. They are brought to the chamber of the Crocs.
    Panic grips all three as they are manacled naked by the hands, feet, and neck, and then stretched out as far as possible, one prisoner on each of the giant crocodiles. The Sky Lion is manacled to the center croc, with Bill on his right and Sheona on his left. Instead of feeling the heat of the laser, they feel the entire platform shift then lift, slowly moving upwards towards the growing light, upwards towards their impending doom…

Chapter 12
    The forlorn little shuttle closes in on the asteroid city of Sky Jewel.
    People are having a great time celebrating the awakening of the first Croc, who is the last to rise. The party is in full swing no one is aware of the impending disaster about to be unleashed. Onwards through the silent darkness of space the little shuttle flies inexorably drawing closer…ever closer.

Chapter 13
    Emerging from the reanimation ark the First Croc is still a bit groggy as he sits down on the examination table, tucking his medical gown in under his legs. After a quick check over, a clean bill of health is soon issued.
    â€˜So how’s my bike, Doc, is she a right off?
    â€˜Yes I’m afraid so, and so where both of you,’ replies the stocky tall doctor.
    â€˜What do you mean? I’ve just been in a coma for a little while haven’t I?’ growing concern creasing the Croc’s brow.
    â€˜How in the name of all that’s holy do I explain this?’ thinks Dr Muzik.
    â€˜Well no, sire, you both died at the scene of the accident, you suffered massive head injuries.’
    Color drains from the Croc’s face, he feels nauseous his hands creep up feeling his head.
    â€˜So…what’s going on? Am I alive? Where the hell am I? Where is Judok?’ he asks in a tiny voice fighting to stop the panic.
    Now the excitement becomes too much to contain, Doctor Muzik blurts out.
    â€˜You sire, are very much alive! You are now on Sky Jewel, the year is now 2689! Your designs worked! It has taken us a while to figure it all out and sort out the wrinkles, but here you are the last one of your family to be awakened from death!
    â€˜Let me get this straight, one minute I’m blasting along quite happily on my bike until that stinking huge tree jumps out in front of me, then next thing I wake up here in a city called Sky Jewel…680 years later! Where the hell is Sky Jewel anyway?’
    â€˜Sire you are now on the asteroid belt, Sky Jewel is our capital city.’
    â€˜Holy-crap! So if I’m the last one to rise, who else have you guys brought back?’
    â€˜Your entire family sire! Queen Judok is especially anxious to see you, everyone is here to meet you,’ smiled the young doctor.
    The First Croc is now dressed in a long pure white tunic, stitched in gold across his chest the royal golden pyramid with the Golden Halo arching over it, two Crocs facing each other with the pyramid between them. He, steps out of the large tent housing the ark. The tent has been erected in a large park area on the shores of the great lake. He stops, smiling up at the masses of cheering waving people. He raises his hand in acknowledgment, setting off a loud roar from the adoring crowd.
    Everyone has come in from the outer reaches of the asteroid belt for this momentous occasion.
    â€˜Where’s my wee Goddess?’
    â€˜I’m right here, naughty.’ comes the cheeky giggly reply.
    Spinning around to his right hand side, The First Croc spots his sweetheart at the front of the smaller crowd of family surging forward to meet him. She now steps up to him, kissing him on the lips, prompting another roar of approval from the crowd. The reanimation ark has worked beyond all expectations, now the awakening of the Crocs is complete. All of the Croc’s family is here, all 22 generations of them. Now the long process

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