Two in Winter

Free Two in Winter by Vanessa North

Book: Two in Winter by Vanessa North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa North
Chapter 1
    Eric smiled as he walked into the room where his patients were waiting for the results of their second beta blood draw.
    “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, you’re pregnant.”
    The look on Mrs. Thompson’s face was one he would remember for the rest of his life. The Thompsons had been his patients for almost a year now, and after several months of progressively more invasive and expensive fertility treatments, he was finally able to tell them the news they most wanted to hear. To say it was his favorite part of his job would be an understatement. Tears filled Mrs. Thompson’s eyes and her husband gripped her tightly in a hug.
    Eric looked down at their paperwork again.
    “I want you to come in and see Skip for an ultrasound in about two weeks. We should be able to see the heartbeat by then and make sure there are only one or two growing in there. I know your emotions must be running high right now, and I’m sure you want to celebrate as well. Brenda, I want you to be sure to stay well-hydrated, and get at least four hundred mcgs of folic acid in supplement form in addition to any dietary sources. If you start feeling sick and having a hard time with your prenatals, you can take straight folic acid. Any questions?”
    She shook her head, wiping at her eyes, her face split into a wide grin before she reached for the doctor. Eric let himself be swept into a fierce hug, and he patted Mrs. Thompson on the back.
    “All right then, schedule that ultrasound on the way out. And please, for the love of all that’s holy, stay off the internet, okay?” He winked at them as they laughed.
    As he turned to leave the room, he heard Allen Thompson’s voice. “Dr. Freyr?”
    “Thank you.” The other man’s eyes were filled with tears.
    He nodded. “You’re welcome.”
    As the door shut behind him, he steeled himself for his next appointment. This one was not going to be a happy news delivery. He headed for the break room, hoping there were still some of the donuts and coffee the drug reps had brought earlier. His buddy Skip, one of the ultrasound techs at the practice, was in there, flirting with one of the nurses.
    “Hey, Doc.” Skip grinned as he bit into a jelly donut. “What’s happening?”
    “Just fortifying myself with a little sugar before the next appointment.” He smiled back. He and Skip had been buddies since college. He liked having him here at the clinic, though the facetious way Skip called him “Doc” when they were at work drove him nuts. “You?”
    “Break. Hey you got plans tonight?”
    Eric frowned. “A Dr. Who marathon with Lucky, why?”
    “Well, I’m planning on hitting a dance club. Matt was going to come with me, but he’s not feeling well. Wanna be my wingman?”
    “Have you seen me dance?”
    “So don’t dance. Just hang out at the bar and brood while the women flock around you and I pick off the ones who decide you’re out of their league.”
    “Right.” Skip was one of those guys women fell all over themselves for. He had one of those physiques that screamed “too much time in the gym” and dimples for chrissakes. He didn’t need Eric’s help picking up women.
    “C’mon, man. You work too hard. Lesley’s been gone for months now. Just come out and have a good time.”
    Eric glared over his donut at Skip. His ex-wife’s name was usually verboten in the office. The surest way to spoil a good mood was to bring her up.
    “Sorry. But really, c’mon, man. I worry about you.”
    “Okay. I’ll go. Fuck.”
    “If you’re lucky.” Skip grinned, reaching for another donut.
    * * * *
    Eric groaned as he pulled into the dance club parking lot. He wasn’t really one for dancing and loud music. The place was packed. He steeled himself for the throng of people inside, making his way toward the door.
    Once inside, he found Skip easily, leaning against the bar across from the entrance. Skip gave him one of those frat-boy nod-greetings they should have

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