Quarterback Sneak
dripping slit. Galynn moaned into his neck as Alceo’s fingers slid from her slit to the dark place a little higher. The sudden and unexpected stimulation made her gasp. His fingers didn’t stay there as long as she wanted, but instead they traveled back down to her slit, slipping between her swollen pussy lips.
    Alceo’s fingers, impossibly long and thick pumped in and out of Galynn, as her body lay draped over him. What he was doing to her was magical. He was barely touching her, but she could feel her lust and desire burning, igniting. She began to fuck herself on his fingers. Her hips moved on their own accord as her climax began to build within her. It started in the pit of her stomach as a flutter. It started to blossom as shocks and waves of pleasure shooting throughout her body. She tried to tell him she was coming, but she couldn’t get the words out. She couldn’t articulate what she was feeling. Her core was trying to milk his fingers for the seed they couldn’t give her. She was on the verge of exploding, again, on his hand. Her heart was beating faster and faster, and her teeth clamped down on the skin at his shoulder.

    Just as her body was about to explode, Alceo pulled his fingers from her. Galynn would have protested, but he didn’t give her the chance. He plunged his fingers deep into to her ass and Galynn exploded. The immediate burn startled her. She felt herself clamping down on his fingers as they invaded her dark passage. She had never experienced anything like it, nothing had ever come close. He didn’t need to move his fingers; just their placement had her shuddering over him, her eyes clamped shut.

    An orgasm like that should have wiped her out; it should have made her weak. But it didn’t, it just made her want more. She kicked her pants off as Alceo ripped her shirt from her body. He tried to tip her over onto her back, but she stopped him.

    “I’m in control.” The words sent a chill down Alceo’s spine. His cock surged as Galynn placed herself over him and guided his length into her. It wasn’t the first time she’d had a cock about to breach her pussy lips, but she could feel his size stretching her. That thin line between pain and pleasure was heaven. Alceo tried to grab hold of her hips and pull her to him, but she slapped his hands away.

    Looking him in the eye, she descended on his throbbing cock, taking all of him inside. When their bodies met, she ground into him. She watched as his head was tossed back in pleasure, his eyes locked on hers. Her hands fell to his chest as she started her agonizingly slow movements. Galynn held his biceps to the floor as she bobbed up and down on his cock. He tired to move his hands, to touch her, but she wouldn’t let him. She was claiming him as hers. She wanted to make sure he would never forget this moment.

    With her in control, she could pleasure him the way she wanted. She could guide the course of things; everything would be how she wanted it.

    Galynn could feel Alceo’s cock pulsing inside of her. He begged her to slow down, that he was going to cum too soon, but she wouldn’t relent. She watched his jaw tighten, his teeth grind as he battled with himself. She could tell by the look in his eye he was fighting to keep his orgasm at bay. She liked watching him squirm beneath her. Call it payback for all the torture he put her through; taking her in the library.

    Galynn slowed her movements. She ground her hips on his cock and leaned down to take a puffy nipple into her mouth. If she had been paying attention, she would have noticed the change in Alceo’s look. She would have noticed his eyes growing dark with passion and need to take her and claim her the way she should be taken.

    Catching her off guard he flipped her over pinning her beneath his weight. For a split second he could see panic in her eyes, but it quickly vanished when he slammed his cock into her.

    “You like teasing me?” he ground out as he pummeled her

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