First Kiss

Free First Kiss by Dawn Michelle

Book: First Kiss by Dawn Michelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Michelle
wouldn't believe me."
    "Try me."
    "Okay…um, Colin, the guy I was here with last time. I dreamed he tried to eat me at first."
    "Only at first?"
    Beth nodded.
    "What happened later."
    Beth reached for her glass and remembered it was empty. Her stomach twisted until Penny's hand closed over hers. She watched Penny's black tipped fingers curl around her hand and felt the cool pressure when she squeezed. "You," Beth breathed. "You happened. I mean, in my dreams."
    Penny nodded and let go of her hand. "What did I do?"
    Beth glanced down and at her hand, it felt like the waitress was still holding her. She looked up and saw Penny watching her. "I— I mean you, um, you saved me. From Colin. Then later, you seemed different. I don't really know. You were there, you scared me, but you had the horns and everything. Sometimes you changed too, like you were some kind of monster."
    "A monster? Monsters don't exist."
    Beth shuddered.
    Penny tilted her head. "What is it?"
    "I've seen monsters."
    Penny stared at her and then glanced around the bar. "Wait here."
    Beth started. "I'm sorry?"
    Penny rose and smiled down at her. She trailed her fingers across Beth's shoulder and across the back of her neck as she walked passed her. Beth moaned at the tingles her touch sent through her. "What's happening to me?" she whispered once Penny was too far to hear her.
    Beth waited, barely glancing at the black girl now on the stage with long dreadlocks swinging with each gyration she made on the pole. She didn't come here for the show.
    Penny returned, walking across the floor with another glass in her hand. She offered it to Beth and said, "Do you want this?"
    "Oh my god, yes!" Beth hissed. She reached for it but Penny pulled it out of her reach, teasing her. "Please! You were right, I haven't been able to drink anything all week that didn't leave me thirstier. I even had to force myself to eat."
    "Do you want to get out of here?"
    Beth jerked her eyes from the delicious looking drink to Penny's eyes. Her makeup made her dark blue eyes look so big and intense. "Get out of here? You mean like, back to your place? Um, I'm not—"
    "I don't know where we're going to go," Penny said. "I haven't figured that out yet."
    Beth frowned. "I don't understand. Are you even hitting on me?"
    Penny smiled. "Do you want me too?"
    "I don't know."
    "You don't? Or you're afraid to admit it?"
    "Yes, to both," Beth admitted. She let out a nervous laugh. "Oh my god, I feel like such a stupid kid. I've never done anything like this. I mean, come to a strip club alone? No way!"
    "What about falling for another woman?"
    Beth whimpered and looked away. She looked back and nodded. "Yes, I did. She didn't feel the same. I mean, she did, but not the same way. And she had a mat— a boyfriend."
    Penny tilted her head. "Interesting."
    Beth blushed. "I'm messed up," she admitted. "And whatever's in that drink is probably making me more honest than I want to be."
    "It is," Penny admitted. "But it's not what you think it is."
    Beth's brow furrowed. "It's not? What is it then?"
    "If you want to know more about me and find out about yourself, drink it and follow me. I'm going through that door," Penny said. She placed the glass on the table and pointed at a door that clearly read, "Employees Only," in glowing red neon letters.
    "Wait, why? What's in this? Is this like a ruffie or something?"
    "It's my blood," Penny said before she turned away and strode across the floor to the doorway. She paused at the doorway and Beth felt the words whispered in her ear, "The third drink will stay with you forever."
    Beth's jaw dropped as she watched the waitress leave her alone with the drink. She stared at it. Her blood was in it. And she'd already drank two glasses. That was what was wrong with her. Was Penny another werewolf? Was she being turned into one? Crystal had lost weight as her body changed. She'd slept like a rock at night though, instead of being unable to sleep.
    Beth whimpered and

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