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Authors: David Starkey
but so far unavailing attempts of Dr Adrian Ailes of TNA and Dr Clive Cheesman, Rouge Dragon Pursuivant, to identify this coat.

    1. M. Gachard, ed., Collection des voyages des souverains des Pays- Bas (Brussels, 1876) I, 408–29; Memorials , 282–303.
    2. CSP Ven . I, 320.
    3. CSP Sp ., supplement to vols I & II, 132–3.
    4. AR II, 315.
    5. Vergil B, 139.
    6. CSP Ven . I, 306.
    7. LP Hen. VII I, 280–5; CSP Ven . I, 317–21; Vergil B, 137–9; The Chronicle of Calais , 5–6.
    8. Gachard, Voyages des souverains des Pays-Bas I, 429.
    9. CSP Ven . I, 314–15.
    10. LP Hen. VII I, 285–6; a photograph of the original (BL Add. MS 21,404, fo. 9) appears on the back of the dust-jacket of M. L. Bruce, The Making of Henry VIII (1977).
    11. J. Otway-Ruthven, The King’s Secretary and the Signet Office in the Fifteenth Century (Cambridge, 1939), 104–5; see above, pp. 179–80.
    12. See above, pp. 169–70.

    1. Alan Young, Tudor and Jacobean Tournaments (London: George Philip, 1987), 197.
    2. HKW II, 967–9.
    3. W. C. Hazlitt, ed., Remains of the Early Popular Poetry of England (1866) II, 109–30.
    4. Ibid., 120.
    5. BL Add. MS 59,899, fos. 64 & 65; Anglo, ‘The Court Festivals of Henry VII’, 40; S. Gunn, Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk (Oxford, 1988), 6.
    6. LP Hen. VII I, 225–7; OxfordDNB, ‘Hussey’.
    7. T. B. Pugh, ‘Henry VII and the English Nobility’ in G. W. Bernard, ed., The Tudor Nobility (Manchester, 1992) 49–110, 72–4.
    8. Palgrave, Antient Kalendars III, 397, item 31.
    9. Gunn, Brandon , 28.
    10. S. J. Gunn, ‘Henry Bourchier, earl of Essex (1472–1540)’ in G. W. Bernard, ed., The Tudor Nobility , 134–79, 136; GEC V, 137–9.
    11. Hazlitt, Remains II, 127.
    12. Ibid., 123, 128.
    13. CSP Sp . I (1485–1509), 439.
    14. Hazlitt, Remains II, 128–9.
    15. Memorials , 103–30.
    16. Ibid., 116, 120, 124.
    17. Young, Tournaments , 194.
    18. Memorials , 120; Hazlitt, Remains II, 124, 126.
    19. Hazlitt, Remains II, 124, 126; Memorials , 122.
    20. Scarisbrick, Henry VIII , 7; Bruce, The Making of Henry VIII , 195, 201, 246.
    21. Memorials , 106, 110.
    22. Correspondencia di Gutierre Gomez de Fuensalida , ed. the duque de Berwick e de Alba (Madrid, 1907), 454.

    1. CSP Sp . I (1485–1509), pp. 408, 439.
    2. Memorials , 108; Busch, Henry VII , 314.
    3. Memorials , 112–13.
    4. Ibid., 124; Condon, ‘Itinerary’.
    5. Memorials , 115, 123.
    6. TNA: E 404/81/ (warrant dated 20 June 1494).
    7. Memorials , 112, 122, 123.
    8. Memorials , 113.
    9. D. Starkey, ‘Intimacy and Innovation’ in D. Starkey, ed., The English Court from the Wars of the Roses to the Civil War (1987), 71–118, 72–6.
    10. HKW IV, pp. 147–9, 282–3.
    11. BL Add. MS 28,623, fos. 11–15.
    12. Correspondencia de Fuensalida , 449, paraphrased by Garret Mattingley, Catherine of Aragon (1963), 92.
    13. BL Add. MS 28,623, fo. 11v.
    14. OxfordDNB , ‘Erasmus’.
    15. D. Starkey, ‘The King’s Privy Chamber, 1485–1547’, unpublished Cambridge Ph. D. dissertation (1973), 27–34.
    16. Vergil B, 127.
    17. Memorials , 125.
    18. Vergil B, 129.
    19. W. C. Richardson, Tudor Chamber Administration , 1485–1547 (Baton Rouge, 1952), 197–213.
    20. LP I i, 257/80; TNA: E 101/517/15, fos. 1–2, 5–6.
    21. Ibid., fo. 9v.

    1. ‘“The Spousells” of the Princess Mary’, ed. J. Gairdner, Camden Miscellany 9 (1893), 1–35, 15.
    2. Ibid., pp. 8–27.
    3. Condon, ‘Itinerary’; TNA: E 101/517/15, fos. 6r., 9v.
    4. J. E. B. Mayor, ed., The English Works of John Fisher , 2 vols, EETS extra series 7 (1876) I, 271.
    5. Ibid., 273.
    6. Condon, ‘Itinerary’; Mayor, Works of Fisher I, 272; Starkey, ‘Privy Chamber’, 33–4.
    7. Starkey, ‘Privy Chamber’, 46–50, where I was wrong to assert that he lost office at the end of Henry VII’s reign; J. Kirby, ed., The Plumpton Letters and Papers , CS 5th series 8, nos 165, 185; TNA: LC2/1/1, fo. 73r.
    8. Mayor,

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