Total Abandon

Free Total Abandon by Alice Gaines

Book: Total Abandon by Alice Gaines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Gaines
seeking and finding the honey of his breath. When that wasn’t enough, she dipped beneath his chin to kiss his throat, her nose rubbing against the stubble on his jaw. He was absolutely delicious, and she couldn’t devour him quickly enough. She let her hands roam over his shoulders and down his chest as her fingers passed over cool leather and his heated skin.
    “Hey.” He took her upper arms in his hands and held her away. “I thought I told you I’m in charge here.”
    Breathing hard, she stared at his body, right down to the outline of his erection. All she could think of was want . I want . He’d shut off everything in her brain but the most primitive pleasure centers.
    “There’s one last thing we have to settle before we go on,” he said. “You have to choose a word.”
    “A safe word?” Lord, what was she getting herself into?
    “In a way, but it won’t make me stop. When you say it, I’ll do anything you want.”
    He was staring at her as if what she said next could determine her future. With her mind so addled by sexual need, she could only think of one word. “Brent.”
    For a moment, his expression softened. “My name?”
    “You’re who I want.”
    “Okay, then.” He waved a finger under her nose. “No climaxing. Resist, no matter what I do to you. Use the word only out of desperation.”
    Before she could finish whatever the hell she’d planned to say, he picked her up as if she weighed nothing at all. The shoes fell from her feet, but they’d already done their work. They’d turned her into an ultra sexual being, ready for anything. He could take the game deeper from here. She’d given him permission.
    He carried her to the bed, but instead of stretching out next to her, he stood on top of the comforter and helped her to a standing position as well. Their weight made a dent in the mattress, but it held up well enough for him to reach upward and pull down a chain from the high bedpost. He used the clasp to fasten it to one of her wristbands. Her brain had barely registered that fact before he’d pulled down another chain and repeated the procedure with her other hand. Tugging on the other ends, he adjusted the bonds so that she stretched out, her arms off to the sides and upward against the bedposts.
    His task completed, he knelt on the bed and smiled up at her. “Look at yourself in the mirrors.”
    She did, and again she hardly recognized herself. The skin of her neck and chest was flushed with excitement, and her breasts rose and fell with her ragged breathing. Unconsciously, she’d spread her legs wide as if inviting his touch everywhere, especially between her legs. She’d offered herself to him, all right. She’d made herself completely vulnerable. She didn’t have to go through this charade if she didn’t want to, as they both well knew. She obviously wanted to. Very much.
    “Now, then,” he said. “I’m going to do the ultimate to you. Keep your attention on the mirrors, and do not climax.”
    The ultimate could mean only one thing, and sure enough, he settled himself between her legs and parted her pussy lips with his fingers. The first pass of his tongue over her clit would have knocked her to her knees if the chains hadn’t been holding her up. With a whimper, she let her eyes drift shut.
    He stopped immediately, pulling his face away from her mound. “I told you to look at yourself in the mirror.”
    “Right.” The word came out like a whisper, using what little breath she could get into her lungs. As she looked on, he took his place again and tipped his face up to her sex. This time when his tongue found her hot button, she watched the movements of his head. Her vision blurred, but she managed to keep her eyes open.
    What a show he gave her. A man performing the most intimate kiss for his lover as though worshipping his goddess. A woman accepting his gift as her due. Although bound by her chains, she seemed ready to take flight. No. In some

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