Texas Weddings 3 & 4

Free Texas Weddings 3 & 4 by Janice Thompson

Book: Texas Weddings 3 & 4 by Janice Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janice Thompson
Tags: Anthologies
“I don’t want to know anything else you might have read on my
    “I’m just kidding,” he
said with a grin. “I asked your dad where I should take you, and he suggested
Italian food. Said you had loved it since you were a little girl.”
    “You talked to my dad?
    “I called him this
morning from the church. He’s a great guy. Shared all sorts of information
about you and told me a little about himself, as well. He has quite a past.”
    “Yes he does.” Shauna
smiled up into Kent’s kind eyes before finally speaking her mind. “Are you
always this nice?”
    “I try hard not to be.
It’s bad for my image, you know.” He laughed, and she joined him.
    Together, the pair
made their way up to the hostess. “Two for non-smoking,” Kent said.
    The hostess grabbed her pen. “Name please.”
    “It’s going to be
about a fifteen-minute wait.” Her curt voice had an edge of exhaustion to it.
Shauna wondered how Kent would respond.  
    “That’s fine,” he said
with no stress to be noted in his voice, “Take your time. We’re in no hurry.”
    Shauna looked around
for a place to sit. “Looks like we might have to wait outside,” she said. “I
think I saw some benches out front.” Her heart skipped a beat as Kent opened
the door and waited for her to step through. He’s such a gentleman. She smiled in his direction as they
approached the bench together. He waited until she was seated before sitting.
    “So,” he said taking a
spot alongside her, “how long have you lived in Houston?”
    “All my life,” she
said, “I don’t have much to compare it to—except College Station. Remember,
I went to school at A&M.”
    “I’ve been there
several times. I’ve spoken at several campus rallies there. In fact, I helped
start a student-based outreach ministry at A&M about eight years ago.”
    “You mean the
Ambassadors program?” Shauna asked, amazed. He nodded his response.
    “I was secretary of
The Ambassadors my senior year.” She stared at him in amazement. “Come to think
of it, I remember reading a booklet about how the group got its start. . .‘Ambassadors for Christ.’ Did you, I
mean—don’t tell me you’re the guy who wrote that pamphlet.”
    “I’m the guy,” he said
with a grin. “But I don’t advertise it. I’m not much of a writer, remember.”
    “I loved it,” Shauna
argued. “And it really motivated me to want to do more to reach people with the
gospel on campus.
    “I’m glad. That was
the idea, really. I had a lot of zeal back in those days. After some really
rough years in high school, I’d finally gotten my act together and turned back
to the Lord. I took the Great Commission very seriously. Still do.”
    “Wow.” Shauna sat in
stunned silence for a moment. I tried to
get Joey to join us for some outreaches, but he said he didn’t have time. He
never had time. . .
    Shauna looked up as
she heard children’s voices. Off in the distance, a youngster, probably four or
five, swung on a wrought-iron railing near the restaurant door.
    “Some people just let
their kids do anything and get away with it,” she said, pointing. “Do you see
    “Yeah. He’s a cute
    “Yes, but do you see
what he’s doing? He could get hurt. And look at his mother—just standing
there, ignoring him. Doing nothing. I tell you, nothing frustrates me more than
parents who won’t control their children.”
    Kent’s lips tightened
before he spoke. When he did, his words surprised her. “Being a parent isn’t
easy. Before my daughter was born, I felt the same way you do now. But, I’m
telling you, it’s pretty nearly impossible to keep up with a toddler. I, uh, I
have a daughter you know. Not sure if you caught that on Sunday. I think she
was in the nursery.”
    “What?” Shauna tried
to make sense of his shocking comment, but found herself too stunned to
comprehend clearly. “I don’t understand. Are you divorced?” Her mind

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