Chapter One
    Melia Geller stood in the waiting room with the other new Volunteers. The administrator was trying to keep them organized, but several of the men and women were bustling around and they couldn’t get control.
    Mel went up to the man and took the clipboard. “This one is missing, this one is over by two pounds on her pack and this one has a pet frog in her bag, probably by accident.”
    He blinked and took the information back, dealing with what she had said.
    In five minutes, they were in the ship and on their way.
    Mel smiled at the man next to her. “So, why are you leaving?”
    “It is a chance for something new.”
    “What do you do for a living?”
    “Up until this point, I have worked in construction. You?”
    “Customs. I worked in inspection. My name is Mel.”
    He laughed and extended his hand. “So is mine. Melvin Harcourt.
    She shook his hand, feeling the calluses on his skin. “Melia Geller.”
    He smiled, his dark hair drooping over one eye. “What are you going to do?”
    “Probably inspection officer again. You?”
    “I am thinking courier, but they will test my aptitude.”
    “Mine too.” She sighed and sat back in her seat, watching the world fall away on the monitors.
    “Would you care to go for coffee when we land?”
    She gave him a flirty look beneath her lashes. “If they have coffee.”
    He blinked with his eyes wide. “I hadn’t thought of that.”
    “We are off to worlds where we might accidentally eat something that will melt us from the inside out. It will be strange and dangerous and wonderful, even when it sucks.” She smiled.
    He shook his head. “I am guessing that you are right, but I hadn’t thought beyond having sex with aliens.”
    They looked at each other and burst out laughing. A few heads turned and other Volunteers smiled while some looked like they wanted to hurl, but Mel and Mel chatted away until the shuttle landed at Luna base and they were separated for their basic training.
    One week after she began her etiquette training, Mel was in the common room when Mel came by. She smiled and he walked over, the flowing white trousers and open vest didn’t leave much to the imagination.
    She poured him a coffee and smiled. “They do have coffee up here.”
    He sat next to her on one of the couches.
    She looked him up and down. “So, not a courier?”
    He grimaced. “What was your first clue?”
    She laughed. “I have done my research. That isn’t a uniform used by couriers.”
    “Bravo. I am going to be a Companion.”
    “Well, you have the body for it.”
    He looked pleased. “Thank you. My instructor is pleased with my progress.”
    “Will you be completing your training at one of their centers?”
    Mel blinked. “Yes, how did you know that?”
    “Every woman on this base that found out renting a guy for the night was legal and safe if there was a Companion available made a procedural list of how to acquire one when we are posted.”
    He looked stunned. “You are kidding me.”
    “Nope. If you are near a human when it comes down to your practicum, have the test organizer approach her for your final exams. No one will be harder on you than a woman who has already had a man trained to please her.” Mel winked.
    “No pressure.”
    Mel laughed at him. “Don’t worry about it. Companion training takes quite a while. By the time you complete it, you will be ready for anything or anyone.”
    He smiled shyly. “I have already been asked if I have an objection to my own sex.”
    “It is a good thing to know. I know they won’t make you interact with someone you object to.”
    “How do you know so much about it?”
    She sipped at her coffee. “I told you. Research.”
    He sighed and gave her a strange look. “What are you being trained for?”
    “I get to remain a customs inspector. I have a sixth sense about the contents of people’s luggage and shipping containers.” Her work training consisted of looking through

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