Hidden Hideaways

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Book: Hidden Hideaways by Cindy Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Bell
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Mystery, women sleuth
could walk directly to the boat.  The water almost came up to her knees but she was too scared to feel the cold of it. Her pants were soaked through as she waded through the water as quickly as possible while keeping an eager eye out for any sign of Paul or the criminals.
    When she finally reached the boat, she could hear the slosh of the waves against the side of the boat. She listened closely, but she didn't hear any sounds coming from inside the boat. In her mind she willed Paul to be okay, and to know that he was going to be rescued. Cautiously she crept closer to the boat. She held her breath as the water sloshed and swirled around her feet. At least the sound of the waves served to drown out what she thought had to be the loudest her heart had ever pounded.
    A few more steps took her to the side of the boat. The sun was low in the sky, so the boat cast a shadow that hid her slightly from view. She crouched down beside the boat. When she did, the boat rocked, and made a long, low creaking sound. She tensed as she wondered if it would alert the criminals. She still wasn't sure where they were. She still didn't hear any sounds coming from the boat. As she tried to work up the courage to look inside the boat, she was startled by a voice.
    “Be on the look out, it has to be out there somewhere,” the distorted voice said.
    After a terrifying moment Suzie realized that the voice was carrying over the radio in Paul's boat. It was likely chatter from the coast guard or other boaters that were looking for Paul's boat. She took a deep breath to steady her nerves and waited to see if anyone would speak on the boat. When no one did she relaxed slightly. Suzie could see the dilapidated shack from where she was crouched down beside Paul's boat. She thought about climbing on to it, to use his radio to call for the coast guard. But she was afraid that there might still be someone hiding inside it.
    Suzie also knew that the police would not be looking out for Paul's best interest as he was still considered the prime suspect in Trent's murder. If she was spotted climbing onto the boat by Paul's captors it would mean she wouldn't survive, and more than likely neither would Paul. At the moment she had the element of surprise on her side. She pulled out her cell phone and attempted to send Jason a text. She told him that she had found Paul's boat and that she thought he was being held hostage. She included the coordinates and the best description of her location that she could muster. But when she hit send, the text was delayed because of lack of service.
    “Shoot,” she muttered to herself as she tucked her phone back into her pocket. She was shocked into silence when she heard some shouting from inside the shack. She was too far away to understand what was being said, but the tone of voice was threatening. Between herself and the shack was a long open strip of sand. The moment she stepped out onto it she would be fully exposed.
    Suzie drew a deep breath in and looked at her surroundings. The tree line was not far off, but she would have to pass the shack to get to it. Her only chance was to run as fast as she could. Beside the boat she was a sitting duck. If the criminals decided to walk out to the boat, she would be seen right away. After some careful thought the best choice seemed to be to run. She waited until she heard the shouting again. Whoever was holding Paul captive would be less likely to see her coming if they were busy screaming. Once the shouting started, Suzie bolted as fast as she could across the sand. Her heart pounded as she wondered if she would make it.
    Suddenly, she heard a loud, sharp noise, the sound of a bullet being fired. She braced herself, thinking that she was about to experience being shot.

Chapter Ten
    After a few seconds of no pain, Suzie realized the bullet had not been fired at her. She was at the edge of the shack. Now that she was close enough, she could hear what was happening inside.

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