Tempting His Mate

Free Tempting His Mate by Savannah Stuart

Book: Tempting His Mate by Savannah Stuart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Savannah Stuart
all her nerve endings.
    If he ever tried to boss her around anywhere else she’d claw him up, but between the sheets—or in the shower, on the floor, wherever—she loved how dominating he was.
    Doing as he ordered, her top automatically slid up when she grasped the cool metal of the vintage headboard. Air rushed over her.
    His gaze tracked over her body as he lifted slightly off her. For a moment she wondered what he was doing until he grasped the edge of her pajama pants and started tugging them off. Since she’d known he was coming over to her place, she’d decided to go commando again. Heat automatically built between her legs.
    He sucked in a deep breath as he dragged the soft cotton pants completely off. “Do you know how many fantasies I’ve had about you since you ran out on me?” His voice was unsteady as his gaze landed on the juncture between her legs.
    “Probably as many as I have.” Her nipples tightened when he slid his big hands up her legs and inner thighs. The need that had already started to build grew in leaps and bounds at the feel of his callused fingers on her.
    “Not possible,” he murmured before bending down and swiping his tongue along the length of her slit.
    The abrupt action surprised her in the best way possible. She’d assumed he would work up to it more, but this was perfection. She loved having his mouth and hands on her. He licked her again, his tongue teasing and taking. Her legs trembled, but he kept his hands firmly pressed against her inner thighs, keeping her in place.
    Her hips arched off the bed and she automatically went to take her top off, but Asher stopped, pinning her with his intense gaze. “Did I say you could move your hands?”
    Unable to stop herself, she took the top off anyway. From experience she knew that his form of ‘punishment’ just meant she’d get another orgasm. He might draw it out longer, but he’d make sure she came multiple times. The man was bossy and liked to be in control, but she had pretty much no self control where he was concerned. The past few days not touching him had been torture. Her inner jaguar had been going nuts, wanting to know why she was holding back from Mr. Tall, Dark and Sexy. The male just made her feel so safe and cherished. When he looked at her, she knew he wasn’t thinking about anything or anyone else. Right about now she was having a hard time remembering the stupid insecurities that had been holding her back.
    Especially when Asher was watching her with such heat in his eyes, she felt as if she could go up in flames any second. His gaze landed on her naked breasts and he let out a low growl before his head dipped back between her legs.
    Yeah, she so didn’t care what he said because she knew he’d take care of her needs either way. And the need to touch him was too great. Her fingers slid into his dark hair, holding onto him as he started pleasuring her. She barely understood the incendiary attraction between them, but she couldn’t fight it anymore. Being with him, touching him, it felt right in the deepest way.
    He stroked his tongue along her slit, up and down, before settling on her clit. With enough pressure to push her over the edge, he teased her sensitive bundle of nerves but stopped right before she got too close. Then he repeated the process all over again.
    She was shaking with the need to orgasm by the time he finally slid a thick finger inside her. “More, Asher.” She couldn’t stop from moaning out his name.
    “More what?” he murmured against her sensitive folds.
    “You. Your cock.”
    His big body jerked at that. Probably because she’d never said it to him. While she’d been free with her body as they’d explored each other before, she’d never talked dirty. Saying cock wasn’t exactly dirty, but she liked the way it sounded on her tongue. And she wanted to feel his hard length on her tongue very soon.
    “What do you want me to do with it?” His voice was a wicked

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