The Secret Zoo

Free The Secret Zoo by Bryan Chick

Book: The Secret Zoo by Bryan Chick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bryan Chick
pool of thick mud. Even more unfortunately, something beside Ella was breathing in her face, grunting an angry animal grunt.
    It was no peacock.

    N oah rode quietly across the zoo along the maze of winding paths. Light fell from overhead lamps and the eaves of the zoo buildings, cutting cone-shaped wedges out of the darkness—wedges that Noah dodged in order to stay hidden.
    After speeding past Giraffic Jam, he turned onto a dirt path surrounded by trees. The area was marked as a nature preserve. His bike splashed through puddles and clunked across two bridges made of wooden planks. At the end of the path, Noah bounced back onto the sidewalk. He raced past the A-Lotta-Hippopotami exhibit,rolled through Arctic Town, and sped around Creepy Critters.
    He neared Metr-APE-olis and spotted two distant figures strolling toward him. He got off his bike and ducked behind the bushes. When the leaves stopped rustling, he realized that the faraway voices belonged to men. As they approached, their voices grew louder. Finally Noah could make out the words.
    â€œThen Tank showed up and got rid of ’em,” one man said.
    â€œHe didn’t hurt them, did he?” This fellow had an annoying, squeaky voice. It reminded Noah of a dog’s chew toy.
    â€œNot that I know. I heard he just got rid of ’em.”
    Noah realized they were talking about the scouts.
    â€œThey’ll be back, I suppose.”
    â€œLet’s just hope they don’t get the police involved,” the other man squeaked.
    â€œFor pete’s sake, Henry! Don’t even mention such a thing!”
    As they passed Noah, their conversation changed to another subject. They kept walking, their footsteps softened, and their voices faded away.
    Noah sat for a moment and tried to sort through his feelings. Finally he said to himself, “Tank, why don’t I trust you?” He considered this and realized his feelingsdidn’t matter anymore. It was too late to turn back. With that, he hopped onto his bike and tore down the path.
    He pedaled past Metr-APE-olis, coasted by the Forest of Flight, rolled to a stop at Penguin Palace, and hid his bike in the bushes. He swiped his key out of his pocket and held it up to the lock. The key worked its magic. When he turned his wrist— click !—the lock opened. The hinges squeaked as Noah pushed the door open with his shoulder. Before him was the dark interior of Penguin Palace.
    â€œI’m getting close, Megan.”
    He took a deep breath and stepped inside, ready for anything. Or so he thought.

    E lla didn’t dare move. Mud oozed between her fingers and seeped into her pants and shoes. It was too dark to see the animal, but she could hear its gravelly grunts and feel the heat rising from its skin. It sloshed through the mud, shifting the earth beneath her. Then it snorted, and a burst of snot pushed her head aside.
    Ella was sitting up. She could faintly see movement to her left. Richie! He was writhing in the mud, mumbling something.
    â€œRichie, stay still,” Ella whispered. “Don’t move.”
    The animal grunted, and as it moved closer, the groundtrembled. A wave of mud splashed across Ella’s lap.
    The animal nudged her shoulder. Its touch was hard, smooth, and sharp. A cold edge slid against her cheek and knocked her earmuffs askew. The animal backed a few steps away, and a new round of tremors shook the ground. Seconds later, Ella felt the creature push against her spine.
    â€œElla,” Richie said. “It’s—it’s—”
    Richie was trying to tell her what the animal was, but she didn’t need that. She’d just figured out that the sharp thing pushing against her was at the end of the animal’s snout. And she could think of only one animal that carried such a peculiar feature in such a peculiar

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