The Krakow Klub
lead him through the exhibit. He was totally fascinated by it
all. In between displays, they managed to find out a little about
each other. They continued to chat and eventually wound up outside
the museum where their conversation turned to his island, now
officially named Scott Key.
    “I’d like to celebrate my new status as a landowner . I just completed the purchase of a
small island near here. I’d love for you to join me for a glass of
bubbly and maybe even a snack. In fact, I know of a quaint little
restaurant within walking distance.”
    She hesitated for a few seconds, and then replied, “Oh yes, I heard that someone
was purchasing that Englishman’s island. Mr. Scott, if you can afford to buy that island, you can
probably afford to buy me a drink. I accept. By the way, do you
have some pictures in your cell phone? I’d love to see what the
place looks like these days. I had visited it
by boat several times before the previous owner purchased and
developed the place. It was a very lovely little island, so
peaceful and isolated from the rest of the Keys.”
    John was delighted and offered his arm,
saying, “I am so pleased that you can join me.”
    They were soon seated in the restaurant
enjoying a light, late lunch. John pulled out his cellular phone
and began to show Julia pictures of the island. The house was
especially of interest as she had always been quite fond of that
type of architecture. Next, came the grounds, guest house, and boat
    “I’m always amazed at the quality of pictures
you can get with this thing. I hardly ever use my camera anymore.”
John spoke proudly but inwardly he thought, Yes, they are good
but I could have used my Mylean technology to give her a
three-dimensional version. Oh well, some secrets must be kept
    Just then, he noticed that Julia was looking
intently at the television mounted over the bar. The
TV was tuned to one of the national news channels. There was
only an inaudible sound, but the scrolling
words at the bottom of the screen announced that the current
program was being interrupted for a special announcement.
    John, who was facing away from
the TV, turned to see what had captured Julia’s
    The press room at the White House came into
view, and after a brief introduction, the president walked in. As
he neared the podium, he reached out and touched the American flag
standing beside the podium. He seemed rather distracted, a rarity
for a professional politician. He glanced at the White House emblem
mounted behind him before speaking.
    “My fellow Americans, I regret to inform you
that I must resign as president of the United States, effective
immediately. I must deal with serious personal issues that require
my immediate and full attention. I will not go into the details at
this time.
    “The vice president will assume my duties and
the transition will be smooth and without any adverse effects on the nation. The Cabinet and other members of
the executive branch have already been
informed of my decision and are currently awaiting orders
from the vice president, who will soon be sworn in as the new
    “I thank you all for your loyal support and
trust that you will accept my difficult, and irrevocable, decision.
I will not address any questions or comments from the press.”
    Members of the press were caught completely
off guard, and pandemonium ensued .
    Immediately, the audience in the press room
and the television audience began to speculate wildly on the
possible reasons for the president’s abrupt resignation.
    Had he been caught in a
sex scandal? Was he caught in a tax evasion scam? On and on the rumor mill
churned . But, the odds were on “for a health reason.”
Probably something that would prove fatal rather quickly. Cancer? AIDS? Alzheimer’s? Many different
diagnoses were thrown out for
    John just smiled to himself. He knew the real reason for the president’s
    The vice president was attempting

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