Creampie Dreams: Impregnation Erotica Trilogy

Free Creampie Dreams: Impregnation Erotica Trilogy by Aya Fukunishi

Book: Creampie Dreams: Impregnation Erotica Trilogy by Aya Fukunishi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aya Fukunishi
ass in the air, knowing that Paulo would enjoy the view of the lace G string separating the halves of her pert, peachy ass.
    She continued sucking, aroused by the sound of her own lips smacking wetly against his member. She felt him tense beneath her, and with her right hand she reached for his heavy, cum filled balls, gently fondling them until she felt the gushing spray of his orgasm burst forth.
    Paulo let out a long, satisfied groan of relief beyond words as years of sexual energy were released. Sam pulled her lips away, milking him as he spurted his pale, thick cream across his dark stomach.  It seemed as if every muscle in his body was playing its part in his orgasm, and his body writhed beneath her as she stroked his cock, squeezing out yet more of his cream.
    When his body finally relaxed he sighed contentedly, his eyes closed with a blissful smile on his lips. Sam reached for a tissue and wiped his stomach before licking the remainder form his taut, defined abs. The taste drove her crazy, and her pussy felt as if it would burst if she wasn't satisfied soon.
    Minutes passed as she waited for him to recover his strength, and all the while she licked and nibbled around his glistening cock, willing it to spring up to full mast again. Finally, after minutes that felt like hours, she felt a thrill as the thick vein darkened and he began to grow once again.
    Sam rolled onto her back, coming to rest by Paulo's side, and tenderly kissed his navel. 'How do you want to fuck me?' she moaned, desperate for him to take charge of her body.
    Paulo smiled, stroking her breasts with a strong, firm hand, teasing her nipples until they strained against the lace of her bra. Without a word he reached behind her back and easily unclasped her, and she shrugged off the bra to release herself. He gently tweaked her left nipple as he studied her body, no doubt deciding what he wanted to do with her.
    'Stand up,' he ordered. Sam felt her legs move without hesitation, raising her from the bed in an instant. Paulo rolled onto his feet, and Sam watched his gargantuan erection eagerly as he did. He walked around her, studying her from every angle and occasionally reaching out to touch her hip, caress a breast or slide his hands down to the small of her back. She shivered, feeling wetter by the moment, desperate for him to decide how he wanted her and pierce her with his beautiful cock.
    She felt his thumb slide between her hip and the waist of her panties, and she shuddered as he peeled the lace from her body. She felt as if her panties were all that were keeping her juices from gushing down her legs, and imagined torrents of her sweet nectar running down her inner thighs in pursuit of her underwear.
    The panties fell to the ground, and Paulo's strong hand found its way between her legs. Standing behind her he reached around, running his hand down from her navel, sliding over her smooth skin to reach her wet, swollen lips. His free hand grasped her from behind, pushing her legs apart so that he could reach her more easily.
    Two fingers slid between her wet, dripping lips, and with the crook of his thumb and forefinger pressed against her clit he eased inside her, hooking his fingers upwards and stroking the moist velvet of her pussy. She gasped uncontrollably, and her legs almost gave out as her orgasm arrived. It felt as if Paulo's hands were the only thing keeping her on her feet, and her climax redoubled in strength when he moved his lips to her ear and whispered in his soft, buttery accent, 'Cum for me.'
    Sam had no problem following his order. She bit her lip to keep from screaming as her legs turned to jelly. Her hips bucked forward with the force of her orgasm but Paulo pulled her back towards him, pressing his huge erection against her quivering ass. Still his fingers worked their way around her, exploring her, filling her and setting off new waves of pleasure as they moved.
    Finally her legs

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