Sylvia Day - [Georgian 02]

Free Sylvia Day - [Georgian 02] by Passion for the Game

Book: Sylvia Day - [Georgian 02] by Passion for the Game Read Free Book Online
Authors: Passion for the Game
    “We can have sex again, if you wish. Or I can retire, if you would lend me a robe.”
    His grip tightened. “Stay.”
    It was nearly dawn. She would have to leave soon, regardless—both his room and this manse. Dover and the possibility of finding Amelia was a strong lure. Optimism was a luxury, but if she had no hope at all she could not go on.
    Christopher’s hand stroked down the length of her spine, arching her into him, an action which revealed the hard length of his renewed erection against her thigh. Arousal, more languorous than the fever they had experienced earlier, moved through her veins. It made her breasts swell into his chest and her nipples harden next to his skin.
    “Hmm . . .” he purred, drawing her completely on top of him.
    She stared down at her fallen-angel lover, gifted with the beauty of the heavens on his exterior but the conscience of a predator on the interior. Her hands shifted through his golden hair, making his eyelids lower with pleasure and his pupils dilate with desire.
    “I do not find blond men all that attractive,” she said, mostly to herself.
    In response, he laughed that rich deep laugh that made her belly warm. “I am grateful other parts of you disagree.”
    Snorting, she rose up to a seated position.
    “I do not like shrewish women.” The curve of his mouth deepened. “But I do like you. God only knows why.”
    His praise, offhand as it was, pleased her. In the distance, she heard a timepiece sounding out the hour.
    Christopher’s smile faded. “A pity we are not at home,” he said, his sapphire gaze intense. “I dislike being rushed.”
    Maria shrugged, refusing to acknowledge that she felt the same. Neither of them knew how to deal with the other, but the level of awareness between them was so high, she knew she would feel its lack.
    Arching her hips, she found the hot length of him with the lips of her sex and glided along his cock, the movement aided by the slickness of their mingled release. His large hands gripped her thighs and urged her to repeat her actions. She did, then paused.
    His eyes never left her. The intensity of his perusal was unique, and she could not decide if she liked it or if she did not. So she reached between them, aiming him skyward, and gloved him with her body, effectively scattering her thoughts.
    A harsh inhale and the tightening of his frame was his reply. Maria felt the same brutal rush of sensation. It had been a long time since her last sexual encounter, too long. But Christopher was a well-endowed man in addition to that, and his possession of the tight space inside her stretched her deliciously. She quivered around him, starting from deep inside where she hugged him and then spreading outward.
    “Damnation,” he hissed, throbbing and growing in girth within her. “How could I ever think you were cold?”
    Intrigued by his possible meaning, she stilled just shy of engulfing the root of him.
    A muscle in his jaw ticked violently. “Your cunt is burning hot and greedy. It sucks at my cock. The sensation is incredible.”
    She smiled and lowered, taking him completely inside her. She knew in that moment that she had his attention. He would desire her while she was gone, and that impatience would serve her well. Pleased, Maria leaned over him, pausing with her mouth hovering just above his. “May I kiss you?” she asked.
    His head lifted, his mouth taking hers, his tongue plunging deep and then thrusting rhythmically, licking, stroking. Making her shiver.
    “Yes,” he whispered darkly, breathing hard, his hands cupping her spine. “Do everything to me.”
    She rose for leverage and gasped at the feel of his mouth latching onto her nipple. As he began to suck, her eyes slid closed. She grew wetter, more aroused, the weight of her torso balanced on the hands she had rested next to his shoulders. He drew on her with long, deep pulls that were echoed in the tremors her body made around his cock. He flexed inside her and

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