SHIFTER ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Claimed By The Wolf (Older Man Younger Woman Mail Order Bride Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Wolf Shifter Romance)

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Book: SHIFTER ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Claimed By The Wolf (Older Man Younger Woman Mail Order Bride Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Wolf Shifter Romance) by Ava Frost Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Frost
house and made him stand still in the middle of his front room. She held his arms to keep him close. “Do you remember the day I helped you in the frenzy?”
    “Very much.”
    “Well, it turns out that I either forgot to take my pills or one of them failed at just the right time. Sweetheart, I’m carrying your baby.”
    He backed away. His face was wary and careful. He said, “Have your feelings changed for me?”
    “Yes, Completely. They’ve turned around and gotten stronger. I don’t dislike you or hate you. Just the opposite. When I saw you in danger, I almost died. I love you. Do you love me?”
    He was a very direct man. He simply said, “I always have. Come here.”
    He held her in his arms, gently kissing the top of her head. “You have to decide whether you want to become a wolf.”
    “I’ve already done that. I want to be with you and our baby is a wolf so I really don’t have a choice.
    The ceremony was an odd one. Becky, John, Henry and a doctor stood in a circle in Henry's office.
    Henry said, "Just a small nip. You'll barely feel it."
    John bent over and bit Becky's neck. She twitched slightly. He sucked her blood for a second and the doctor put a small bandage on the wound. The doctor brought out a needle with a blood red liquid in it. He said, "You'll feel a small pinch now" just before he poked it in her arm.
    John helped her to a chair and held her hand while they waited.
    Suddenly, Becky's vision went cloudy and her head felt like it contained sparkling wine. The doctor held up a mirror. Becky looked at herself. Her eyes changed color to a lovely gold. In a few seconds, they turned back to her normal blue color.
    The doctor said, "You're now a werewolf. We'll help you acclimate and bring you into the pack.
    The dragon takeover of the earth was a complete failure. The RCMP and the other werewolf units had good intelligence. They located the nineteen other shape-shifters and captured them.
    John and Becky were in love, more in love than either one of them ever imagined they could be. They couldn’t wait to share their lives together as wolves… as one.

    Chapter 1
    I blinked slowly, rubbing my throbbing head and exhaled. Although I didn't need the air, the practice of deep inhales and exhales was relaxing. I was stuck, behind a desk, in my beautiful mansion, dying a slow death.
    "David, are you listening to me?" She asked.
    "Yes, Mother."
    "There will be a hundred women for you to choose from. Only thirty or so will be human. Now don't you in any way feel you have to choose one of them as your bride. They're only here as adherence to our treaty." Her cute mouth turned into a scowl. "Dirty, stinky, conniving lot, they are. All of them," she mumbled.
    "Mother your prejudice is showing."
    She held the entire race of humanity at fault for the one that staked my father, even though without a human she wouldn't be here. That's right, even vampire royalty had some humanity flowing their veins, though only just. Our bite is venomous, turning every living thing from the inside out to stone, save our eyes and brain. I'm really not sure what keeps us alive. It wasn't a heart, oxygen or the sun. Maybe it was pure ambition and without it, we'd grow faint then cease to exist. I watched my mother talk about my bride ceremony as if it was the presidential swearing in. She vexed herself for months over colors, theme, and particular drinking goblets. Although looking at her, you couldn't tell. Her face held no lines or wrinkles. She was turned on her 21st birthday, frozen at the peak of her womanhood. Her blonde hair hung down her back stopping just above her tapered waist. Her eyes were green, though per normal vampiric trait, could go blood red in anger or thirst. She in some ways resembled a child with her button nose and round cheeks. She had my grandfather's chin, angled and European. She wore a pale pink blouse which was flattering on her pale skin and

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