Red Ink (Mad Jackals Brotherhood MC Book 2)

Free Red Ink (Mad Jackals Brotherhood MC Book 2) by Evelyn Glass

Book: Red Ink (Mad Jackals Brotherhood MC Book 2) by Evelyn Glass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Glass
hum in his chest as she sucks on him, her hot mouth taking him in as deep as he can go and then taking him farther. His hands fly to her head, encouraging her to move faster. Emboldened she bobs up and down on his cock, enjoying the control that comes with knowing she’s blowing his mind.
    “Baby, stop.” His voice is a strangled gasp as he steadies her. “I want to come inside of you.”
    Mia smiles up at him, nodding, desire rendering her mute. Never had a blowjob turned her on so much. She’s so wet between her legs that she can hardly stand it. Ray pulls off her panties, frantic to touch her sweet spot. He sees the lust in her eyes and takes hold of her hips, lifting her up to sit on the dresser. She hooks her legs around him, as he brings her right to the edge.
    “This is going to be quick, Mimi.” He shoots her a look that’s so filled with carnality she almost comes right then and there.
    She shuffles closer to him, rubbing her slickness against the trembling tip of his cock and watches as he fights for control of his instincts. It’s a losing battle. “Fuck.” He grabs hold of her hips and enters her in one stroke. Mia’s eyes widen in surprise and pleasure as he fills her up. She’s so wet and tight, around his cock, he has to close his eyes not to shoot his load in the first few seconds.
    “I’m close, baby.” Her words come in thready breaths and he leans back to look at her, seeing the flush on her cheeks and the deep darkness of her eyes. Silently, she tells him to take her, that he doesn’t have to go slow, that she’s as desperate for her release as he is for his.
    He doesn’t need to know anything else; his hips start to pump and Mia lets out a cry as she moves against him. He slams into her, filling her up again and again, sending pleasure ripping through her. He leans down and kisses the sensitive spot he’d discovered at the base of her neck, the place that’s all his own. He nips her lightly and that’s what sends her over the edge. Warmth spreads from her belly to her brain and she sees flashing lights behind her eyes.
    “Mia, fuck!” She hears Ray’s guttural groan as he comes with her. They reach their climax together and the collapse against each other, utterly spent.
    “I don’t remember doing that on the first date.” Mia gives him a mock-serious look. “I was a nice girl and I’m pretty sure nice girls didn’t do that after dinner and a movie.”
    Ray chuckles lightly against her ear, sending a buzz through her. She loves making him hot and out of control, but it’s more than that. She loves making him happy, hearing him laugh and knowing she’s the reason. It may just seem like a little thing, but, to her, it’s a whole world.
    “Don’t worry, your dad would have been proud of you that night. After you slipped inside the house, I had to go home and have a couple of cold showers. God, I wanted you so much, I thought I was going to explode.” He grips hold of her waist at the memory.
    “But you waited. You waited a long time, until I was ready.” Mia looks at him wonderingly, knowing full well that most guys in his position would just have moved on to the next girl, someone more willing to round the next base with them. “And by that time it was too late.” She drops her gaze, not wanting to remember the night she’d decided to go all the way with Ray was also the last night she had seen him for eight years.
    “It wasn’t too late, Mia. It never could have been. Nothing would have kept me from coming back to you. Nothing.” He lifts her chin, forcing her to look at him, to see the earnestness in his bright blue eyes. “I love you, Mia.”
    She smiles broadly, knowing she would never get tired of hearing him say those words. “I love you, too.” She rests her forehead against his, her hand finding its way over his heart, feeling comforted by the regular beats. “So, about this date…” Ray looks at

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