Red Ink (Mad Jackals Brotherhood MC Book 2)

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Book: Red Ink (Mad Jackals Brotherhood MC Book 2) by Evelyn Glass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Glass
her curiously and she answers him with a cheeky smile. “Could it be a late dinner and midnight showing?”
    Ray smiles broadly, knowing exactly what she’s thinking. “If you like.” He shrugs nonchalantly. “But what should we do in-between time?” He looks at her innocently.
    “Well, let me put it this way. I bought whipped cream at the store today.” Mia watches as Ray’s eyes darken at her words. Looking up into his eyes, she knows that in his arms is the only place that she ever wants to be.
    He kisses her deeply, his fingers trailing a line down between her breasts, making her shiver. And just like that, whatever had brought them into her bedroom was forgotten. The bag hiding underneath the wardrobe was forgotten. The subject of the small fortune in cash wasn’t revisited. That had been a mistake.

    Chapter Ten
    Another few blissful days had gone by and Mia wondered if this is what is commonly called the honeymoon period. But she couldn’t imagine things being any different with Ray. She was definitely sleeping less than she used to, but she felt better than ever. Cassie had joked that good sex was better than a good night’s rest. She was inclined to agree with her.
    Tonight they were going to see her dad and she was looking forward to the expression on his face when he set eyes on Ray. She knew how excited he would be to see the man that he’d looked upon as the son he never had.
    Ray kisses her deeply at her door, leaning over the balcony to watch her as she walks away from him. There’s something sexy about the way that he’s so hungry for her all the time. Getting out of bed that morning had been a struggle and she smiles to herself at the thought. She hums lightly as she skips down the steps towards her car.
    “What the -?” The shock at what she’s seeing her brings her brain crashing back down from Cloud Nine.
    “Mia?” Ray was by her side in an instant. “What’s the matter?” He looks her over, concern plastered over his face like he’s expecting to find something physically wrong with her.
    She just points towards her ancient car and Ray follows the direction of her finger, taking in the slashed tires of the sedan.
    “Goddammit.” The anger in Ray’s voice is clear and he circles the car, taking a closer look at the damage.
    “Do you think it was an accident?” Mia knows the answer before she’s even asked the question; even she isn’t quite that naïve.
    Ray shakes his head. “They’ve all been slashed with a knife. The bastards have virtually ripped each one to shreds.” He rubs his forehead, staring at the car as if he’d just seen a ghost.
    “Who would have done this?” She bites her bottom lip, angry that someone has been able to get to her through a petty act of vandalism.
    Ray doesn’t answer her, but there’s something in his eyes, something that looks like guilt. But that didn’t make any sense. He obviously hadn’t done this.
    “Come inside, Mia. You look like you’re about to fall over.” Rays hand is on the small of her back, leading her towards the stairs but she blinks hard, bringing herself to the here and now.
    She shakes her head. “No, I can’t. I have to get to work. There’s a new girl arriving and we have an appointment.”
    Anger flashes in Ray’s eyes. “Mia, don’t be stubborn. You’ve just had a shock; you need to calm down. I’m sure they can do without you at work for a few hours.”
    “No, Ray. No.” She lifts her chin, refusing to let whoever has done this to get to her anymore than they already have. “I need to get on with my day. I’ll call the garage from work to come and pick the car up.”
    She watches as he takes a few deep breaths. He sees the steely determination in her eyes and it tells him that there’s no talking her out of her decision. “Fine, wait here. I’ll drive you. We should ask any of your neighbors if they saw anything

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