Red Ink (Mad Jackals Brotherhood MC Book 2)

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Book: Red Ink (Mad Jackals Brotherhood MC Book 2) by Evelyn Glass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Glass
suspicious last night, anyone who doesn’t look like they belong around here.”
    Mia was already shaking her head. “There’s no point. Mrs. Bukowski is deaf and her eyes aren’t as good as they used to be. Whoever lives next door spends a lot of time away. I’ve only seen him once since he moved in a year ago. Jack’s kind of a recluse; he spends his days and most nights glued to reruns of bad soap operas. I used to take him dinner some nights, until I realized he didn’t eat real food.” Ray looks questioningly at her and she shrugs sadly. “He drinks his calories.” Ray nods in understanding, knowing how hard it is for her to talk about someone who’s fallen prey to alcohol.
    “Great, not exactly the safest block you decided to live on.” He raises an eyebrow at her as Mia crosses her arms in her signature gesture of defiance.
    “I can look after myself.” She taps her foot impatiently. “Now are you going to give me a lift or do I need to hitch a ride?”
    Ray smiles ruefully. “Goddammit, woman, but you’re stubborn.” He shakes his head at her. “Let me get my keys. I’ll be right back.” He disappears, taking the stairs two at a time, leaving her to stare at her car and wonder why anyone would go to the trouble of doing this to her.

    Chapter Eleven
    Taco night had been a great success. Mia hadn’t seen her dad that happy in a long time and it did good things for her soul to see him smile like that. When she’d told him that Ray was alive, he’d been understandably shocked but he’d barely asked her any questions, something that Mia couldn’t quite get her head around. He just seemed pleased to have Ray back, whatever the reasons behind it. Perhaps she should take a leaf out of her father’s book, she thought to herself as she watched them bond as if no time had passed.
    His expression had darkened when Mia had told him about her car. But she’d waved away his worry, telling him it was probably just some kids playing a prank. Ray had been strangely silent during that conversation, staring down at the table as if there had been something intensely interested to see there.
    Before Mia had left, her father had hugged her hard, telling her how much he loved her. It was a tradition they had. After her mother had died, they’d always exchanged the words whenever they said goodbye. But that wasn’t all that he’d said.
    “It’s good to see you so happy, mi niña. It makes my heart happy.” He’d laid a hand over his chest as if to illustrate the point and Mia had felt the tears well behind her eyes.
    Mia jumps off the bike, wondering for a moment why her car isn’t parked in its usual spot until she remembers that the garage had towed it. They’d said it would be ready for her tomorrow, no big deal, but she could have done without spending her hard earned cash on four new tires. Ray had tried to pay for them, but, again, she’d refused, telling him it was nothing to do with him. He hadn’t liked that one bit but, as far as Mia was concerned, he needed to get over his need to make things easier on her. She was used to looking after herself.
    They walk up the stairs to her apartment hand in hand. “I had a really good time tonight.” Ray’s voice is low as he lifts her hand, brushing a kiss over her knuckles.
    “Me, too. I love seeing you guys together. I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed it.” She smiles up at Ray enjoying the way her words send a flash of pleasure through his eyes.
    “Your dad’s a pretty great guy.” Ray lifts her chin, gathering her closer to him.
    “I don’t want to talk about my dad right now.” She leans up, hooking her arms around Ray’s neck and pulling his head down to meet hers. The kiss starts slow and tender but quickly deepens, becoming something more desperate.
    “Inside.” Ray’s voice breaks their kiss, moving towards her front door before he freezes.
    “What? What is

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