Free We Go On (THE DELL) by Stephen Woods

Book: We Go On (THE DELL) by Stephen Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Woods
was right.
She had neatly packaged her idea and then tied the bow on it by saying,
"This way we have the advantage. A time and place of your choosing. The
other way, they can hit us anytime, anyplace. They have the initiative."
    "You're right. The only way to ensure we’re safe is to
eliminate the threat. We do it with the Stinkies every time we go out. This
crew is no different. I guess I'd better get busy and come up with a
    Kat stood up, then leaned over and kissed me. When she
straightened up, she said, "good boy," and patted me on the head. 
    She started toward the door. "Where are you off
to?" I asked.
    "I'm going back to the Aid Station. You have planning
to do and Doc’s going to need me."
    I did have a lot to get ready by midnight and I thought she
might be right about Doc needing her. My plan had better be good or Doc would
be very busy tomorrow.
    I spent the next four hours studying a map and making notes.
I forgot about eating and only paused for a couple of bathroom breaks. I
stopped by the kitchen area downstairs on my return from the toilet and picked
up some coffee the ladies had prepared. It would be a long night for all of us
and they were keeping the pots going.
    As I planned, I took into account our weapons and the level
of training we had been able to give the security people. I tried to keep the
plan as simple as possible and still accomplish the goal. I wanted to hurt the
gang as badly as we could and risk our people the least.
    By midnight, I was ready. In the planning room, I had
already set up the map and had drawn some of the detailed plan on a white board
hanging on the wall. I had my notes and everything in order when Dave and Jim
came in.
    First order of business was to get updates from my two
section heads. I let Jim go first and he went on in detail about where people
were stationed and what they were doing. He even gave me a run down on what
supplies and food stuff had been used during the alert so far. He ended with
what he considered to be shortages and added if we didn't resolve the situation
soon, we would be out of some seriously needed items. Another excellent reason
to end this as soon as possible.
    Dave spoke next and described how he had our defense set up
and the rotation schedule so everyone got some sleep. He then told us what had
been happening across the road. It seems that our friends had decided to have a
little party. Dave said they had built a couple of fires and most of them were
sitting around the fire drinking and whopping it up. This was good news and fit
right into my plan.
    With the updates finished, I went right into my plan and
started by telling them we were going to attack the gang at first light in the
morning. Jim immediately started to protest. His argument was my plan put our
people at undue risk. I pointed out he hadn't even heard my plan yet. Then,
it’s wrong of us to attack first without giving the other side a chance to
negotiate. I started to get tired of having to argue with Jim about every
decision that concerned security.
    "Jim, I'm not asking your permission. I'm telling you
this is what we’re going to do. Now shut up and listen,” I said.
    Jim crossed his arms and sat back in his chair, obviously
angry but quiet.
    Dave had wisely kept his mouth shut, his eyes on the white
board. I could tell he had been trying to figure out my plan. With Jim's
moaning stopped, at least temporarily, I started to brief them on how I wanted
to conduct the attack.
    For the next hour and a half I went over the plan with them.
I covered as much as I could quickly, saving the majority of the time
concentrating on Dave's part. He and I shared the tactical portion of the plan
and I wanted to make sure there were no questions about what he was supposed to
do. He would be leading the force that would conduct the assault of the Gangs
position. I could tell from the big smile that spread across his face he was
pleased with this responsibility. Our security forces

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