The Girl & the Vampire (The Embassy #1)

Free The Girl & the Vampire (The Embassy #1) by Kira Barker

Book: The Girl & the Vampire (The Embassy #1) by Kira Barker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kira Barker
The Girl & The Vampire

    “Are you sure you really want to do this?”
    It must have been the tenth time Rachel asked me that very same question, and for the first time, my answer didn’t come as a spitfire rapport. Gazing up at the sleek glass facade of the building in front of us, I felt my stomach knot, anxiety locking my knees and letting doubt cloud my mind. Did I want to go in and find out what all the fuss was about? No question there; the answer was a resounding, “Yes!” But right now?
    As if she had read my mind, Rachel added, “We don’t have to do this today, you know. We can always return next week. Or never, if you ask me. Which you never do because you already know my answer.”
    I sent her a sidelong look that she deflected with a small, hopeful smile. I couldn’t say why, but it was her incessant pointing out that I could postpone this undertaking that strengthened my resolve to go through with it.
    “‘We’ aren’t doing anything; I am, as you also keep pointing out.”
    Either my words or my admittedly stubborn tone brought the usual frown back onto her forehead, marring the beauty of her youthful face. She wore her twenty-seven years way better than I did mine. Maybe it was her natural tan, or that blonde mane. Next to her I always felt bleached of color, even if my Irish complexion and strawberry blond hair should have outshone hers. But considering what I was about to do—today for real—that fit the bill perfectly.
    She opened her mouth, obviously to object, but now that I had managed to catch that thread of conviction, I was clinging to it for dear life.
    “Stop it. There’s nothing you can say that will dissuade me. I’m doing this. Today. Now. If you don’t want to come along, you can wait in the coffee shop down the street.” Just the idea of venturing forth on my own made my skin crawl, and I hated how my voice broke on the next words. “But I’d really appreciate it if you came with me. Just inside for the interview. I’d feel much better if I had my best friend along, even if I can’t have your approval.”
    As expected, my plea mellowed out her frown to a slight twist of her lips, and after looking away sharply, she inclined her head, if barely.
    “That’s not fair, and you know it,” she grumbled under her breath.
    “Frankly, I don’t give a shit about fairness if it gets me laid,” I joked, flinching at the desperation ringing in my voice.
    Rachel’s head shot up, her eyes wide as they zeroed in on mine.
    “Seriously, this is just about sex? You don’t have to let a guy eat you, for fuck’s sake, just to get some! I’m sure that there are millions of guys ready to show you a good time.”
    “You know that’s now how I meant it,” I pointed out, and when she started to shake her head, I cut her short again. “It’s not just about sex. But you know what they say, right? I’m not in the mood to find some lame guy to hook up with to break my dry spell, and considering that I’m not otherwise attached, I might as well give this a try?”
    Rachel’s already open mouth snapped shut, and a shrewd look appeared on her face.
    “Shouldn’t the fact that you keep avoiding spelling out exactly what you want to happen to you in there tip you off that you’re not sure about it?”
    Heat surged into my cheeks, but I did my best to ignore her jibe.
    “How old are we, fifteen? Either you come with me, or you don’t, but I’m going in there. Now.”
    Turning from her to face the door, I exhaled slowly, gathering my courage. I didn’t have to look back at her to feel her smirk, and before I could lose faith, I pushed myself into motion and took the three steps at a run. And then I was inside the cool glass dome of the foyer, sunshine falling behind as dusky twilight engulfed me. Very melodramatic, and I wondered for a moment why they forced their daytime employees to work under such conditions. Another few steps carried me into the reception area that looked

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