Every Yesterday (Boot Creek)

Free Every Yesterday (Boot Creek) by Nancy Naigle

Book: Every Yesterday (Boot Creek) by Nancy Naigle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Naigle
She couldn’t get away from that table and Noah’s constant staring quick enough. She put her plate on one of the trays near the kitchen and then headed for the bathroom. She just needed a minute. She wasn’t even sure why she was so bothered by that guy. He hadn’t done or said a thing wrong. Maybe it was the heat in this joint. She’d never been one much for crowds anyway. She ran her hands under some cool water and took a breath. It was the heat, she told herself as she tried to relax, the heat hung mercilessly, there was no way the air-conditioning could keep up with everyone coming in and out of the place.
    I’m fine.
    I’m overreacting.
    Definitely just the heat. And the wine. And the press of all of those people. She felt better already. She checked her makeup and reapplied her lipstick, a soft pink that made her skin look more tan.
    Angie was standing outside of the door, probably trying to take a potty break, but no one would give her a moment’s peace.
    “Hey, gal, ” Megan said, giving Angie’s shoulder a casual squeeze. “You doing okay?”
    The couple that had been talking to Angie excused themselves and she gave them a wiggly finger wave. “Drink this,” Angie said. “I can’t have another drink. I don’t know how many I’ve even had.”
    “Well, it is a party. And you’re the guest of honor.”
    “Who’d like to be able to walk out of here at the end of the night.”
    Megan snagged the glass of wine from Angie’s hand. “My duty as maid of honor.” She took a generous sip of the cool liquid.
    “Thanks so much for that sweet toast earlier. You didn’t have to do that.”
    “I know. But it seemed appropriate. And I knew ol’ man Johnson would love the round of applause.”
    “Oh, he ate that up. Big ol’ teddy bear. He’ll never admit it, but I could tell.”
    “I thought you’d appreciate that.”
    “So much. One of my regular customers just walked in. I guess I’d better go say hello.”
    Megan raised the glass of wine in a silent toast as Angie hurried off. Most of the people in the room were coupled. She didn’t want a husband, or even a boyfriend, but at times like these, being single in a sea of duos made her feel like the odd man out.
    No one would notice if she disappeared for a little while. She slipped out the backdoor and hung close to the building, in the shadows. She could catch some night air and quiet before going back in.
    The smell of the burgers on that big cooker reminded her of Daddy grilling when she was a kid. He was a master of the barbecue. It was a nice night, and the crowd of people that had been out here eating earlier had dissipated. Seemed most were enjoying the bar and desserts inside now.
    “Hey. Too much going on in there for you?”
    She stumbled over her own foot as she noticed Noah. “Hi. No. I was just getting some fresh air. You found my secret hiding spot.”
    “Not that good of a secret if the new guy in town can find it.”
    “ True. ”
    “Don’t let me stop you. There’s plenty of room.”
    Walking away would be rude, so she took a seat.
    “I like your outfit. That color blue is really pretty on you.”
    Charmer. “Thank you,” she answered politely, not really taking much from the compliment. He probably handed them out like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500. Pointless.
    “I know what you mean about the fresh air. All that lovey-dovey stuff going on in there can get a little suffocating.” He tugged at his shirt collar.
    Okay. She liked him better. A little anyway. “True that.”
    “You ever been married?”
    “Kind of personal for a first question, don’t you think?”
    “You don’t want to answer it?” He folded his arms.
    “Nope. You?”
    “Nope. Never been married? Or nope, you don’t want to answer, which means you have been . . . probably several times.”
    Touché. “I’ve never been married. A status I rather embrace.” His quick wit tickled her.

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