The Color of Hope

Free The Color of Hope by Kim Cash Tate

Book: The Color of Hope by Kim Cash Tate Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Cash Tate
Tags: Contemporary, Ebook
blocked, so Travis took it to the net and dunked it, beating the buzzer.
    A thunder of cheers rose from the sidelines and bleachers. The cheerleaders ran out onto the court. Stephanie found Lindell and bear-hugged him. “Babe, y’all did it! Y’all did it!” He was covered in sweat, but she was too excited to care.
    Cyd hugged Cedric. Janelle and the little girls tackled Kory. And Stephanie looked around for Travis. Libby was high-fiving him, and they shared an excited hug. Stephanie’s gaze then moved to Trina, who was watching from the sidelines.
    Travis held up his hands to get people’s attention. “I hate to break up the celebration—believe me, it will continue throughout the day—but we need to set up chairs and equipment for service tomorrow. We older guys want to thank you for cheering us to victory.” He wiped sweat from his brow. “If you have any Advil, we’d appreciate the donation.”
    Stephanie made her way to Libby. “Hey, Lib, why don’t we all stay and help set up?”
    “Steph, you know I’m not into the joint service thing. Plus, I’ve got a lot to do to get ready for tonight, which includes a quick nap.” Libby already had her purse on her shoulder, car keys in hand. “I’llmeet y’all back at the house.” She stopped to say something to Travis and was gone.
    Stephanie couldn’t help it. Her eyes followed Trina as she approached Travis. They didn’t hug, but the way she smiled at him, the proximity between them, the flow of conversation . . . there was a familiarity there.
    Janelle joined Stephanie. “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”
    “Yep.” Stephanie sighed. “You’ve been down here this summer. Had you noticed anything between them?”
    “Not really.” Janelle had her eyes on them. “I’ve seen them talking at church, but Travis is friendly with everybody, so I didn’t think twice about it. But now . . .”
    Stephanie sighed again. “You know Libby’s falling for him again, much as she refuses to admit it.”
    “I know.” Janelle turned to Stephanie. “But remember that talk we had with Libby in the spring? She knows she and Travis can never be together while she’s running from God. He’s a pastor . And he wants to be married. His wife will be someone who loves the Lord. Libby knows that.”
    “In her head,” Stephanie said. “Doesn’t stop her heart. She and Travis were right there with the rest of us, up half the night.”
    “This thing with Trina is probably nothing,” Janelle said. “They’re just friends.”
    Stephanie glanced at them again, now helping with setup. “You just had to invite her to come tonight, didn’t you?”
    “I felt bad,” Janelle said. “I knew we couldn’t invite all of the Soul Sisters, but once she saw that Charley had come, my mouth just started moving.” She added, “But that was before we knew about her and Travis . . . or . . . whatever we want to call it.” She sighed. “If Trina comes, this could be a mess.”
    “I don’t think it’s an if .” Stephanie glimpsed them laughing. “She’s coming.”

    I n the ballroom of the Rocky Mount Hilton Saturday night, Libby waited anxiously. She’d surprised the family by showing a video produced for the occasion, compiled of reunion photos and footage taken over decades of time. Priceless memories from the earliest years got them laughing and talking as hairstyles and clothing on the screen revealed changing times. Babies now grown and relatives now deceased drew comments of wonder and reflection. The latter were especially poignant, as the music changed and they remembered those who had passed, including Janelle’s husband, David. There was a photo of him at a reunion only four years ago, smiling big as he held baby Tiffany in his arms, little Daniel at his feet.
    But none of this would compare to what was coming. The video appeared to be ending now, the music fading, and then—
    “How’s everybody doing?”
    Gasps sounded around the room and

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