Fiona Silk Mysteries 2-Book Bundle

Free Fiona Silk Mysteries 2-Book Bundle by Mary Jane Maffini

Book: Fiona Silk Mysteries 2-Book Bundle by Mary Jane Maffini Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Jane Maffini
recipes. Whip it all together, ha ha. A few anecdotes, memories. Nothing to it.”
    I said, “Wait a minute, I have to know, why me for this project? Is it because of what happened with Benedict?”
    â€œPerhaps you shouldn’t dwell on that.”
    â€œThat was murder. And now they want to splash my name all over the papers again? I’m not the kind of person who can deal with that kind of attention.”
    â€œWhat you
darling, is not the most solvent of my clients. And in this business, that’s saying something. So yes, it was my idea and, yes, the thing with what’s his name is a fabulous hook. Especially the bed part. It means you’ve got name recognition.”
    â€œBecause my lover was found dead in my four-poster, and everyone in Canada saw a clip of me on the news? That’s supposed to be a good thing?”
    â€œDon’t complain. You know your career’s tanking. Lots of writers would kill to have this problem.”
    That Lola. What a way with words.
    I took a deep breath. “I don’t even get the idea of food being sexy. I can’t imagine a single sexy food.”
    â€œDon’t be silly, darling. Food is very sexy. What about a canof whipped cream? Who doesn’t find that sexy?”
    â€œWhipped cream? I don’t. Listen, Lola, thanks a lot, but I don’t believe I can do this project.”
    â€œThink again, darling. I’ve got you a good advance too. I told them you have a desperately sick relative, and they coughed up a cheque. That doesn’t happen every day. Up front on signing. The contract’s on its way. I sent it yesterday by XpressPost. I’m surprised you don’t have it already.”
    â€œYesterday? But you hadn’t even spoken to me.”
    â€œYou should answer your phone more often. You’ll get a cheque on signing. I told them you’d be thrilled.”
    â€œYou told them what? Lola? Lola?
    I returned to the living room, somewhat dazed.
    â€œI wouldn’t want you to break a rib, laughing like that,” I said to Liz, who seemed unable to catch her breath, once I told her Lola’s plan.
    â€œArrrotteeecogggbkkkk!” Liz howled before falling out of the beanbag chair with a thump.
    â€œHow can I do an erotic cookbook? It’s out of the question. Stop snickering. I mean it. You know, that’s a really unbecoming position you’re in,” I said.
    She continued to wheeze.
    I added, “And it does make your butt look big.”
    Josey popped her head in the front door, clutching a fist full of envelopes. “What is that exactly? What she said?”
    â€œNothing,” I said.
    Tolstoy had emerged from the cool of the basement. He greeted Josey by thumping his tail on the floor.
    Liz wiped her eyes. “Now I’ve heard everything. It would be like asking SpongeBob SquarePants to head up the UN .”
    â€œThat’s so uncalled for, Dr. Big Butt.”
    â€œBut what is it, Miz Silk, that’s so uncalled for?”
    â€œIt’s just a mistake, Josey. A project that’s not going to happen.”
    â€œSure, whatever. It’s after nine. I picked up your mail. You shouldn’t leave it in your mailbox at night. People could steal it.”
    â€œThere’s nothing worth stealing, Josey,” I said.
    â€œYou never heard of identity theft, Miz Silk? Where do you want me to put this stuff?”
    I held out my hand. I find it’s best to be brave with mail and face it squarely, no matter if FINAL NOTICE is stamped in red on the front. Of course, if I were brave, I would have picked up my mail in the daytime like everyone else.
    â€œI’ll open it for you,” Josey said.
    â€œThank you, but that’s not necessary.” Of course, that was pretty well drowned out by the sound of the letter opener doing its thing.
    â€œOh boy, Miz Silk. Disconnect notice from Hydro Quebec. That’s bad. You

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