Conard County Spy

Free Conard County Spy by Rachel Lee

Book: Conard County Spy by Rachel Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Lee
ways, sometimes in small ways, and occasionally for a very long time. We protect them the way we’d protect our families. We’ll pull them out and give them new lives if they ever get exposed.”
    â€œSo why would one of them be after you?”
    â€œBecause,” said Trace heavily, “sometimes things don’t go according to plan.”
    Julie’s heart lurched as she considered those possibilities.
    â€œBut you had some distance between you and most of the assets you were running, at least for the last few years,” Ryker pointed out.
    â€œYeah, I did. But I was still in charge of the guys at lower levels. Who knows how one of them may have screwed up? Stuff happens.”
    â€œAnd we don’t always hear about it when it does,” Ryker said.
    Julie spoke. “Compartmentalization?”
    â€œExactly,” Trace answered. “Exactly. That multiplies the problem here.”
    Silence fell for a little while. “Julie?” Trace said.
    â€œYou wouldn’t happen to have one of those phones that plugs into the wall, would you?”
    â€œActually, yes I do. It’s cheap, but I keep it for when the power goes out.”
    â€œThen can we use it? Because cordless phones broadcast their signal.”
    Julie felt a shiver of shock run through her. The things she’d never thought about. Never had to think about. But as soon as Trace said it, she knew he was right.
    â€œIt’s probably okay right now,” Ryker said, “but he’s right. If someone starts backtracking Trace from Denver...”
    â€œAs soon as we sign off here, I’ll get the old phone.”
    â€œAnd disconnect your base set, okay?”
    â€œYou got it.”
    It struck her again that all of a sudden she was involved in a real spy story. A deadly one. An amazed cussword floated into her head, but she didn’t speak it. When you dealt with little kids all day, the worst cussing you could do was darn it . Right now she felt a need for something stronger. The next best thing emerged. “Cusswords,” she said vehemently.
    Two surprised men fell silent, then Trace asked, “Cusswords?”
    â€œWhen you talk to youngsters all day...”
    He laughed, a real laugh. “Copy that. Okay, then. Let’s switch the phones and I’ll get back to thinking.”
    â€œHow’s the baby?” Julie asked before Ryker could disconnect.
    â€œBelieve it or not, she’s a little better. Cranky, but not nearly as stuffed up. My wife is getting some sleep right now.”
    She noted the way he didn’t use Marisa’s name. They were broadcasting. For the first time, being on the telephone chilled her.
    â€œMy ear’s to the ground,” Ryker said, by way of farewell. “I’ll keep you posted.”
    When she hung up, she immediately pulled the plug for the base set out of the wall and got the regular phone from the kitchen drawer where she had stashed it. I’ll bet Tom Cruise never felt like this. At least the thought amused her. Mildly.
    â€œI’m sorry about all this,” Trace said as he watched.
    â€œI don’t know that I am,” she said frankly. “Am I getting a ration of shocks and surprises? Yes. Do I hate it? No. A little shaking up is good for the soul. Anyway, I’m determined to treat this like a game I have to win, because if I really let myself think about it, I might freak.”
    He eyed her sympathetically. “Freak if you need to. I’ll listen.”
    â€œI’m sure you will. But freaking never fixed anything. You wouldn’t believe how many times a week I have to tell that to a child. Now it’s my turn to take my own advice. So no freaking out. However, I see sweat on your brow and it’s not that warm in here. If anyone out there is moving, it’s by dogsled, and we’ll hear the barking before they get here, so why don’t you take something for that

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