Billionaire Baby Dilemma

Free Billionaire Baby Dilemma by Barbara Dunlop

Book: Billionaire Baby Dilemma by Barbara Dunlop Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Dunlop
explained to Devin.
    Devin stripped off her own life jacket then took Amelia from Steve’s arms and unzipped hers. “Help with what?”
    â€œI assumed you were picking up a few more things from the house. For the baby. Maybe for you.”
    â€œHow did you know I was here?” It was disconcerting to have him show up out of nowhere.
    â€œHe pumped the staff for information,” came Lucas’s unexpected voice.
    Devin looked up in surprise to see Lucas striding across the beach, his shoes off, slacks rolled up a few turns and his suit jacket slung over his arm. “He’s been spying on you,” Lucas told Devin.
    â€œWhat about you?” Steve challenged.
    â€œThey’re my staff,” Lucas returned.
    â€œDid you two come together?” asked Devin. She wasn’t crazy about having any of the Demarco family invading her home turf. It wouldn’t be much of a sanctuary if her problems kept following her out here.
    â€œNo,” they both answered simultaneously.
    â€œWell, I don’t need help moving,” she said, finishing the exchange with Steve.
    Then she turned on Lucas. “And you. There’s no reason for you to be here, either.”
    â€œI wanted to make sure you were coming back.” There was a wealth of awareness in his flat, frank stare. He knew the kiss had disconcerted her. And he’d obviously guessed that’s why she had fled.
    Well, he was in for a surprise now. She was over the kiss, and she was going to ignore any lingering attraction she might have for him. From now on, he was the target of her investigation, nothing more.
    â€œOf course I’m coming back,” she told him breezily, switching her attention on Amelia, fixing her little sun cap and smoothing her wispy hair.
    Despite her concentration, she could feel Lucas’s gaze. But she assured herself that he didn’t know what was going on inside her head. As far as he was concerned, their kiss had meant nothing.
    â€œYou should have told me where you were going.” There was a rebuke in his voice.
    â€œI’m a prisoner now?” she couldn’t help but ask.
    â€œYou’re under a court order.”
    She turned to peer at his expression, an unsettling thought taking hold. Would he somehow use this against her? Had he reported her for taking Amelia out of the Demarco mansion?
    She advanced on him, voice going low. “What did you do?”
    â€œDamn it!” Lexi shouted from behind her, and Lucas instantly sprang to action.
    Devin whirled to see him drop his suit jacket and race into the lake after the catamaran. The wind had picked up, and the craft had slipped from the sand. The breeze caught the mainsail, and the boat was heading out into the middle of the water.
    Lexi was chasing it, too, but Lucas was faster. As the water reached his waist, he dove in, swimming powerfully across the waves, only just managing to grab a stern line and hang on tight.
    Lexi was chest deep in the water. Steve was still on shore.And all three of them held their breath while Lucas made his way, hand over hand, along the rope. He grasped a handle on the pontoon and hauled himself, dripping wet, onto the accelerating boat.
    â€œI can’t believe he caught it,” Lexi breathed. “That was just plain stupid,” she cursed herself, her expression telling Devin she’d been needlessly distracted.
    â€œMust have been a sudden gust,” Devin offered in consolation, shading her eyes to watch as Lucas took control of the catamaran, ducking under the boom while he tacked to turn.
    â€œDoes he know how to sail?” Lexi asked Steve.
    Steve nodded, but his lips were drawn in a grim line. There was a chill in his brown eyes that Devin hadn’t seen before.
    She shifted Amelia and focused on Lucas as he maneuvered in a big arc against the setting sun. Once turned, he lined up, pointing the craft toward them, coming in at a fast clip as he ran the boat

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