Kate Robbins - The Highland Chiefs Series 03

Free Kate Robbins - The Highland Chiefs Series 03 by Enemy of the Highlander

Book: Kate Robbins - The Highland Chiefs Series 03 by Enemy of the Highlander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Enemy of the Highlander
tongue over one taut nipple. When she grazed it with her teeth, he groaned.
    “Freya, I want to go slowly, but will not be able to if you keep doing that.”
    Go slowly? Not if she could help it. She wanted him to ravage her, to unleash the intensity and desperation she knew was just beneath the surface. She gently bit his nipple. His body jerked and his breath hissed through his teeth.
    Freya’s feet then left the floor and her back made contact with the bed moments later. Ronan spread her legs wide and rubbed the tip of his erection against her moist heat before sliding inside her until she was completely filled with him. She gasped at the sensation.
    “Have I hurt you?” he asked in a strained voice.
    “Only if you stop,” she said, rocking her hips to prove her point.
    He took her invitation. Ronan pressed his lips against hers and began to thrust until his rhythm was faster than her breath. He filled her so completely. Her passion coiled inside her and grew as he pounded into her.
    She gripped his shoulders and his slid down to cup her bottom.
    Her release swiftly overtook her in intense waves. She arched upward and trembled all over, muffling her cries against her fist, lest her brother hear her in the next chamber.
    Ronan fell forward and softly grunted against her neck as he stiffened. His erection pulsed inside her. Chest to chest their hearts beat at the same cadence. For a moment, they were one being.
    She stroked the damp hair from his face. His breathing leveled and his heartbeat slowed. He lifted his head to gaze into her eyes. When he smiled, her heart fractured. This was the man who owned her very soul. How cruel were the Fates to put them at such odds in life that they could not find their path together?
    “I love you,” he said.
    “Aye.” She smiled. “And I love you, Ronan.”
    His face changed then and sadness crept into his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but she placed her fingers over it.
    “Do not say anything. We have one night and I will not waste it on words unless they are ‘come here’, ‘turn over’, or ‘I want you now’.
    Ronan chuckled. “You are right,” he said as he slid from her body.
    He walked to the fire and returned with a tankard and a trencher of food. They ate in silence. His body was glorious in the soft light. Though he would be glorious in any light, the fine sheen of sweat he had just worked up cast a smooth effect over him. She stared at his chest and the fine matting of hair dusting his nipples.  Her gaze continued across his chiselled abdomen and beyond to where his erection was already stirring again.
    She watched as it elongated and thickened. Her body hummed in anticipation when he lay on the bed beside her and it grazed her thigh. She was ready for him again.
    Ronan placed the trencher and pitcher on the side table and turned back to her. “Come here,” he said.
    She grinned and scooted toward to him.
    “Turn over,” he said.
    She flipped onto her stomach and giggled. He pushed her hair from her shoulders and trailed his fingers down the length of her back, making her shiver. His lips touched the small of her back while his fingers smoothed over her bottom. She closed her eyes at the sensation. Surely this was more pleasure than one woman deserved. Perhaps that was why they would never be together, because what they shared was more than any mere mortal was permitted.
    Ronan stroked every inch of her body, and when he was done, he flipped her over and began the same ritualistic adoration with her front. He flicked his tongue across her nipple then sucked it hard between his lips. Freya arched off the bed, letting him know she loved this and craved more. She squirmed beside him and tried wrapping her legs around his waist but he stopped her.
    Instead, he pulled her to sit astride him, with her breasts in perfect alignment with his mouth. He looked up into her eyes and smiled.
    “I want you now,” he said.
    Her heart melted. It was everything she

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