Burn for You

Free Burn for You by Stephanie Reid

Book: Burn for You by Stephanie Reid Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Reid
Tags: Contemporary Romance
carrying feminist at that.”
    “Vicki, you misunderstand. I’m not anxious for you to enter into the institution of marriage. I’m anxious for you to experience a long-term adult relationship.”
    “I’ve had adult relationships…” Sort of. Not really.
    She’d just never been that interested in toying with a man’s emotions. It seemed pointless to get involved when she’d never felt for anyone the way she felt for Graham.
    “But nothing long term,” her mother argued. “I’ve never even met anyone you’ve been involved with.”
    Except for Graham, who’d been Tony’s best friend since forever and was practically an honorary member of the family. Her mother had definitely met him . But then it didn’t really count since her mother didn’t know about their occasional flings.
    Graham had never been interested in putting labels on their relationship, which had left her with nothing to announce to her family and friends. They all knew she and Graham spent a lot of time together but assumed they were just friends, and when Graham had done nothing to correct that notion, neither had she. In fact, no one really knew, except for Camille. Maybe Tony since Camille told him everything, but Tony would keep it quiet, because Graham was his best friend, and to discuss his best friend with his little sister would no doubt be awkward.
    And Tony didn’t do awkward.
    “Really? You’ve never met any of my many beaus?” Victoria asked lightly, pulling together the cheesecloth and spinning the bag of grains until she had enough twisted cloth to tie a knot at the top. “I just can’t imagine why not.”
    “Victoria.” Pulling out the full-first-name, her mother glared at her. “Sarcasm does not become you.”
    Victoria didn’t respond, but instead concentrated on lowering the grains into the large stainless steel brew pot. She let herself get lost in the details. Checking the water temperature, dunking the bag like a tea bag to release more flavor, setting her timer for the seeping. Her mother didn’t understand why Victoria was so enthralled with the beer-making process, but it was this right here. The details. The difficulty. The tasks engaged her brain fully and left no room for unpleasant memories to sneak in. And it took forever. A long drawn out process that served as a sort of meditation for Victoria.
    And in this case, a reason not to talk to her mother.
    “My concern comes from a place of caring. You know that, right?”
    Satisfied that the beer could seep without her help for a moment, she sighed and turned back to her mother. “I know, Mom.”
    For all her mother’s faults, she really did care about her children, wanted the best for them, and as frustrating as Victoria found her at times, she knew she was blessed.
    “And you know that all I want is for you to be happy, right?”
    “Of course. But Mom I am happy.”
    “Not as happy as you’d be if you shared your life with someone.”
    Staying stubbornly silent, Victoria clenched her teeth until her jaw ached.
    Why did everyone think it was impossible to be single and happy? Did she want to be with someone? Sure, of course she did. Specifically, Graham. But did that mean she was a puddle of unhappiness without him? Hell no. She had a life, a fulfilling career, a loving family.
    This idea that her life was nothing but a big gaping hole, waiting to be filled by a man—it was insulting.
    “I think I know why you’ve never introduced me to anyone you’ve been with.”
    Victoria raised her eyebrows. “You do?”
    “I do. And I’ve been wanting to tell you for ages, but I didn’t know how to bring it up.”
    Of course her mother would’ve figured out the truth—about her unending crush on Graham. The woman was a psychologist after all. As observant as they came.
    It was a relief really, the idea of having it all out in the open.
    “I should’ve known you would guess, Mom.”
    “I just wish you’d confided in me yourself. But I’m

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