Starwalker (Starborn 1) (Sci-Fi Fantasy Romance)
    Kellen flicked his boot against one of the limp bodies.
    “Why were there no patrols in this part of town?” Breckken asked.
    Trellen adjusted his weapons before answering. “There was an incident a couple miles over. We were there. An orchestrated distraction maybe?”
    “Is the maiden, Emmalyn, well?” Kelston asked as his eyes landed on Canna.
    “Yes. She is shaken, but safe. She is with Gilleth. She can be questioned later,” Breckken told the officer, but Kelston’s gaze remained on Canna.
    “Were you present when they tried to take her?”
    “Yes,” she answered.
    His face turned hard. “And did you even try to help? Or did you sit back and take in the show?”
    She said nothing. Didn’t even flinch at his accusation… the accusation that blew Breckken away. Why would Kelston act in such a way toward her? He was an Ice Dweller. Perhaps he’d known her as a child, thought badly of her.
    When she said nothing, he kept going. “Did you think it funny? Watching an innocent being attacked? How can you be so heartless? Colder than the ice that coats this cit—”
    “Enough!” Breckken fumed like a rabid beast. He wouldn’t let any wren stand there and insult his maiden. Not when she cared so much for the one he was accusing her of betraying. “She very nearly got herself killed trying to defend Emmalyn. She was on her back when I came around the corner. See that helix over there?” He pointed to the one with the cracked face. “Canna did that.”
    Breckken turned to her, but she glared at him.
    What now? Didn’t she want him to defend her?
    Kelston scowled at Canna but spoke nothing more against her.
    Trellan took in the scene, not oblivious to the way Breckken bristled. “Are you hurt, maiden? Do you need tended to?”
    It was an innocent enough question, but Breckken couldn’t help the territorial sensation that came over him. He stepped closer to Canna throwing a warning over his shoulder. “She is not hurt. And I will tend to her. Only me. Understand?” His tone was sharp but he couldn’t care.
    Canna cleared her throat. “I can and will speak for myself. I need no tending. I am going to Ula’s.” She turned and went quickly away from the scene.
    Trellan raised a curious eyebrow, which Breckken ignored. “We will wait here for transport to arrive.”
    Breckken nodded. “I will come give my report later.” Even as he said this, he was turning to follow after her.
    No way was she getting out of his sight. Not now. Not ever.

Chapter Six
    Gilleth was on high alert as he went through the city streets with Emma.
    Someone had tried to take her away.
    Take. Her. Away.
    How dare they even attempt it? And not just someone—but the Helix. What did those heathens want with sweet Emma?
    He’d killed tonight. Not the first time in his life but… the first in a long while. And he would do it again if it came to it.
    He glanced at her. She was still trembling from the attack. He could feel her fear as if it was his own. Except it brought out his anger. Made him want to retaliate.
    She was so gentle. Of course when the wren asked directions, she’d immediately stopped and pointed out the way to Hygg’s City Store. She hadn’t even suspected he meant her harm.
    Then he’d grabbed her.
    Gill felt ill. If he hadn’t been watching her… if he wasn’t obsessed with her safety…
    Would he have ever seen her face again? He couldn’t stand to think of what might have happened to her. The Helix was brutal in their quest, and no doubt they would have hexed and eliminated her when they were through with her.
    What did they want with her anyway?
    They approached her home—a rather small dwelling she shared with Ula. As they passed through the gates, he still felt no sense of relief.
    “Ula will not be home for many hours,” she whispered, almost to herself.
    Gilleth had no intention of leaving her alone, even though something inside him rebelled at the way he needed to protect her.

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