Starwalker (Starborn 1) (Sci-Fi Fantasy Romance)
missed a step as she watched Gilleth slit first, the throat of the wren closest to him and then the one who had his hands on Emma. When she was free, he pulled her behind him and crouched to a fighting position. Two women joined the fray, knives drawn. They were so focused on Emma and Gilleth that they didn’t even see Canna as she crept up behind them—
    Just as she was about to make her move, the remaining wren sensed her approach and spun around. His eyes widened, flaring with anger before he lunged for her.
    “Canna!” Emma screamed. But it didn’t matter.
    The stranger tackled her to the pavement. Her head bounced once before his heavy body landed atop her, squashing the air from her lungs. She was momentarily stunned. Her vision flickered to blackness as she struggled to take in air.
    Then from out of nowhere, she heard an angry roar and the heavy weight was lifted from her chest. She was able to suck in a breath, though short and not nearly enough. Blinking fiercely, she pulled herself up just in time to avoid the steel-toed boot of a muscled maiden aimed directly at her head. She ducked, rolled away, and came up with her knife luckily still in hand. She had a moment to look around, seeing another wren had joined the fighting. It was Breckken. Both he and Gilleth fought the others.
    Wasting no more time, she expertly swept her foot out, tripping the maiden. The female, who was dressed like a soldier—all black clothing, including a mask that covered her face—was quick to get back up.
    But not quick enough.
    Canna hiked her robe and planted a boot in her face hard enough to do damage. Blood sprayed from her nose and she collapsed back onto the ground, out cold.
    Canna turned to find another attacker…
    But there was none.
    There was only Gilleth, huddled over Emma, shielding her from the carnage. His arms wrapped around her, her head tucked into his chest, his eyes scanning their surroundings. He was… so very protective of her.
    And then there was Breckken.
    Canna tilted her head. Watching him, as he expertly disabled the remaining two attackers. He was almost… graceful, the way he effortlessly overpowered his opponents. When both were on the ground, unconscious because he’d pinched that certain nerve in their neck, he glanced up at her.
    Breathing hard, his eyes beat into her, telling her something she wasn’t ready to admit. Because how could it be true? How could he care for her if he’d abandoned her all these years?
    No. She refused it.
    “Breck, you done?” Gilleth called out.
    “Yes.” He didn’t take his eyes off Canna. “They’re all disabled.”
    Gill said something under his breath to Emma and she nodded. That was when Canna noticed the tears streaking the maiden’s face. The way she shook like she might break apart. Emmalyn was terrified.
    Canna, still gripping her knife, stalked over to the nearest attacker. Yanking his head up by the hair she went to slit his throat—
    But a steady hand stopped her.
    “Not yet,” Breckken warned. She froze in his warm grasp.
    “They have frightened Emmalyn.” Her tone was steely, determined. “They deserve no less than death.”
    Breckken glanced away to Gilleth.
    “I’m with her.” Gill nodded at Canna. “They tried to take Emma. They must die.”
    Breckken shook his head. “I will take them to the outpost.”
    Gilleth glared at Breckken but turned back to comfort Emmalyn.
    “Are you okay?” Breckken asked quietly.
    Canna’s eyes snapped away from the couple, and she noticed Breckken still had a hold of her wrist. She pulled away.
    “I am fine. I want to kill these wrens… and the maidens.”
    “You can’t. We need them alive so we can find out why they tried to take Emma.”
    She looked around at the fallen attackers. He was right. They needed to be questioned. But she was outraged that they’d gone after her friend.
    She looked into Breckken’s eyes. Swallowed hard. And said words that she’d never before given air.

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