On Becoming His

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Book: On Becoming His by Benjamin T. Russell, Cassandre Dayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Benjamin T. Russell, Cassandre Dayne
almost blatant light of her inner self was by far the most eye opening he’d ever read. He couldn’t help but smile. Without a doubt t here was something from the moment he’d met her that drove him nearly out of his mind with desire. From her sexy smile and her blatant stubborn attitude to the way she laughed simply gave him a smile. Willful and independent, her fiery personality and balls to the walls persona was something he respected and never wanted to change, yet the fact she craved submitting to him completely continued to rattle him. Jessie -- no Jezebel said the words, she asked the right questions and she obeyed his basic commands, but he remained concerned she wasn’t entirely accepting of his domination. Then again, her poems were more than just a window into her soul.
    Taking a sip of his drink, he shook his head and read another poem. Every word was calculated but yet so telling. There was no doubt she wanted to please him but in her efforts she was relating the woman inside. From what he’d learned about her from their months of discussions, he had known better than to push. Jezebel needed to come to terms with what she wanted by herself. He’d allowed her to freedom of exploration and while a certain level of his own patience wasn’t always the way he handled his lovers or his business, this woman he wanted to come to terms with what he hungered for by her own accord. She was this important to him.
    Exhaling slowly, Luke swirled his wine and knew what he wanted from her was the perfect moment of their relationship and while she thought she was ready, he wanted to make certain she understood he would be in total control. There were many ways to try and determine if her last resolve in a sense was ready to be tied to him and while he’d thought about the action, selecting carefully, he remained slightly on edge. She was a like a flower ready to open and yet he had to be very careful how he fertilized and nurtured. While Jezebel wasn’t fragile by any means, he knew there were so many directions he wanted to take their D/s relationship and he had to remain consistent and understanding.
    After all, Luke wasn’t a sadist. He was simply a man who required complete control and the way she’d hungered and almost fought to achieve their combined goals was nothing short of extraordinary. Still, he had to have continued restrain. Grinning, he threw back the rest of the wine and sighed. In truth, he wanted nothing more than to spend a complete night doing nothing more than ravaging her body. That would happen soon enough and often . He was insatiable with his needs and she responded as no other woman had. But this relationship was so much more than sex. This was about a completely open level of intimacy in which she told him absolutely everything she needed and wanted. While he could certainly hold back from Jezebel, he didn’t want to, preferring to be very candid with her.
    T o that end, t onight he would test her and knew this could be the telling moment. He also wanted to show her off. Somehow men and women alike knew instinctively when a soon-to-be-collared woman entered a room. He was more than just proud to have her on his arm as his sub . But there was something he had to know about her and possibly about the way he was going to react. Their frank conversations about sharing had been eye opening and yet the ugly moment in the bar had indeed reminded him she was a woman and much younger. Certainly Luke understood his power as a man but she was a vital woman and other men sought her out everywhere they went. He’d laughed more than a time or two telling her other men knew when a woman was owned simply by the pheromones she gave off. “Oh Jezebel, you take my breathe away.” He read two more of her poems and then a passage, obviously written in a hurry, drew his attention.
    In two nights he’ll be here. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am. I’ve missed him. His kiss. His touch. The taste of him. I

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