On Becoming His

Free On Becoming His by Benjamin T. Russell, Cassandre Dayne

Book: On Becoming His by Benjamin T. Russell, Cassandre Dayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Benjamin T. Russell, Cassandre Dayne
to discipline her? Exhaling slowly, Jezebel finally gripped the edge of the book and slowly moved back into the dining room.
    Luke patted the table and said nothing.
    As she placed the book down, she emitted a single whimper. Opening up her greatest fears, her deepest hungers to the man, her lover and her Sir, she hadn’t realized how difficult the telling would be. Freeing yes, but she was more than just apprehensive. She was terrified he’d be disappointed in her efforts. The thought daunting, she took a step away from the table.
    Instantly Luke wrapped his hand around her arm, drawing her back in. “I’m going to take a minute and read what you’ve prepared for me. Please stay and enjoy your drink . And so you know, I’m famished but not for food .”
    Not for food. There was something about the words. Heat rose instantly to her face and the way he was looking at her, wanting her was even more carnal than his usual look. Nodding over and over again, Jezebel swayed back and forth as he slid the flat of his hand over the cover of her journal, inhaling deeply. There was something so enigmatic and powerful about every move and for some reason it was as if she’d never paid this close of attention before.
    Giving her another savage look, he lowered his eyes and opened the journal. He read for several minutes, flipping through the pages , taking his time .
    And she could barely breathe. Her nerves on edge, she hid behind the glass and wondered what he was thinking. A flood of questions raced in the back of her mind. Did I do enough? Did I show him too much about me? Will he understand what I’m trying to say? Resisting a vocal grunt, she turned away and nonchalantly brushed the bead of sweat trickling down her cheek.
    By the time he sighed and closed the book, she’d drained her glass. Her eyes darting back and forth across his face, she couldn’t tell a single thought. And dear God if it didn’t drive her completely insane.
    Luke lifted his head and sat back in his seat. “You’ve been thinking.”
    “Yes. Yes, sir.” The last words tumbling out quickly, she opened her eyes wide as if he’d punish her for her faux pas.
    Instead, he gave her an almost haunted look as he reached out and aimlessly slid his finger up and down her arm . “I love them. The words are well spoken and obviously you’ve taken your time with them. The poems are so much a part of you and the woman inside. There are so many deep expressions laced throughout every piece you penned and they’re very vulnerable . When I read them they leave me breathless and the re are times I continue to be amazed we’re standing here at this point, embarking on what I consider to be the most important decision of my life, of our life together. You are an amazing woman and one I love deeply. Truly. Thank you for taking so much time and care and for pouring your heart into every word . They’re just what I hoped for.”
    Unsure of what to say, Jezebel nodded. Every part of her tingled from the way he said the words and the loo k on his face. Entranced, she could barely take her eyes off of him. He was her Sir. There was no doubt in her mind and for a few seconds she wanted to shout out to the world how much she admired the man and her absolute love. The feeling was completely overpowering. Forcing her mind away from the almost trancelike state, she could barely whisper. “I’ll get dinner.”
    “Not yet. Dinner can wait. Come here.”
    “Yes, sir.” Setting her glass down, she moved toward him, her heart racing. When he took her hands into his and sighed, she almost melted. This man was such an incredible turn on.
    “My appetizer first.”
    “Sir?” As he slid his ha nds under her dress, she gasped. And then she knew what he wanted. As he lifted her slowly, placing her on top of the table, her entire body shivered. Every move totally in control, he laid her down on her back, pushing her dress up past her thighs.
    “My feast. Your pretty pussy.”

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