Shadows from the Grave

Free Shadows from the Grave by T. L. Haddix

Book: Shadows from the Grave by T. L. Haddix Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. L. Haddix
even notice if we don’t. I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t a wedding announcement in his future, the rate they’re going.”
    Jackie scowled at her oldest child. “Richard Chase Hudson, hush your mouth. That’s not funny,” she scolded.
    Chase grinned. “That was too easy, Mom.”
    Jackie wadded up her napkin and threw it at him. “Annie, you’ll have to keep a close eye on this one,” she said. “I shudder to think of what kind of trouble he could get into, left to his own devices.”
    Richard laughed. “The boy’s been living on his own for a number of years now, Jackie. I think he’ll be fine. But I agree, Annie, you should keep a very close eye on him while we’re gone.”
    Annie blinked, a pink flush climbing into her cheeks. “Ummm… okay.” She turned to Jackie. “It must be interesting, to say the least, for you to see Sampson dating again at his age,” she said, trying to deflect the heat off the subject of her and Chase.
    Jackie hmmm’d as she picked up her glass of iced tea. “That’s one way of putting it.” She took a drink and considered her words carefully. “Don’t get me wrong, Annie. I want Daddy to be happy. God knows, the last few years Mother was alive were no picnic. It’s just a really weird feeling, seeing him with someone else, even though Mother has been gone for a while now.”
    “I can understand that. Speaking of mothers, though, how is your mother doing, Dr. H.?” Annie asked.
    Richard snorted. He sat back from the table and crossed his arms. “Oh, she’s on a tear,” he said. “I went by today at lunch to check on her, since we’ll be leaving tomorrow. She pretty much told me to go to hell when I refused to cancel this vacation and stay in town to be at her beck and call.” Jackie shot him a questioning look and he nodded. “Queen Ethel was on full display today.” He paused. “I shouldn’t say that,” he added, shamefaced.
    Chase disagreed, his own face guarded and stony. “Why not? It’s nothing less than the truth, Dad. After what she said the day of the funeral, I don’t know if I could force myself to go see her unless she was sick and dying.”
    “Chase, that’s pretty harsh, don’t you think?” Jackie admonished.
    “Not particularly,” he said. “Not after the things she said.”
    “I know what you all said yesterday when you got back, but do you think it’s just the stress of losing J.R. that’s causing her to act like that?” Annie asked. She and Hannah had been filled in on the day’s events after everyone returned to the farm yesterday afternoon. She stood and started clearing the table, and Chase got up to help.
    “No, unfortunately,” Jackie said. “That’s just who Ethel is. If she ever has anything nice to say about this branch of the family, that’s when we should worry.”
    “That’s just so sad,” Annie said, changing the subject before the mood deteriorated. “Moving on, I have a Brown Bag blueberry cheesecake. Who wants a piece?” Everyone laughed when Chase’s face lit up. His weakness for cheesecake was well known.
    Jackie and Richard stood, and Jackie gave Annie a hug. “None for us, honey, but thanks. We’ve got to scoot and get ready for tomorrow. I’m only half-packed, and Richard still has a ton of paperwork to get through.”
    “We’ll probably see you in the morning before we leave,” Richard added, giving Annie a quick hug before they made their way to the door. Chase saw his parents out, and when he returned, all traces of the relaxed countenance he’d been showing were gone. Even seeing the large piece of blueberry cheesecake Annie had cut for him didn’t do much to improve his mood.
    “Okay, now I’m really worried,” Annie said, as they took their plates and sat down on the couch. “It’s pretty bad, then?”
    Chase nodded but didn’t speak, taking a large bite of cheesecake instead. He held the dessert in his mouth for a minute before he swallowed. “Do you have any

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