Breaking the Rules

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Book: Breaking the Rules by Melinda Dozier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melinda Dozier
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
— ” her words said, but her body said something different. She angled into him and tilted her head back as if asking for more.
    Grabbing her waist with one hand and her head with the other, he pulled her in and kissed her with the passion that had been building inside of him since he met her. And she kissed him back. There was no turning him down this time. She did want him and he wouldn’t be fooled or told otherwise.
    He pushed her back on the washer and allowed his hands to explore the side of her waist. He slipped his hand under the edge of her shirt, delighting in the feel of her smooth skin under his fingers. Just enough to entice himself, but not too much to throw her off. Man, he wanted to feel more of her, but he held himself back. The last thing he wanted was to scare her off. They had to take things slow. Damn … it had been too long.
    She gave back. Her hands pressed upward against his chest and she flitted her tongue on his lips, opening his mouth. A little moan came out of her and that threw him out of sorts. In the distance, he barely heard the door open.
    â€œKelly sent me to check — ” Tim stopped when they broke apart, breathing hard. “Oh, shit. Ok. Uh. Get back to that, then.” He turned around, shut the door, and announced to the rest of the house, “Uh, Colin and Hope are a little busy in there.”
    Kelly squeaked, “What?”
    His favorite buddy, soon to be ex-friend, had just interrupted the best time he’d had in a long time. Colin faced Hope, but he could tell they weren’t going to resume their interrupted kiss. She had turned to the towels and pretended to unfold and fold them again. Colin wiped his face. “Hope. Turn around.”
    When she did, she shook her head. “I told you. Now we have Mr. Blabbermouth announcing to the whole world.”
    Colin lifted her chin with a finger and forced her to look at him. “It’s okay. It was only a kiss.”
    â€œYeah, well.” She handed him a shirt that said Keep Calm and Recycle and Colin put it on.
    He rubbed her arm. “A damn rattling kiss, but — ” He stopped when she took a deep breath.
    Pointing at his chest, she said, “This didn’t happen.” She turned to walk out, but Colin grabbed her wrist and stopped her.
    He held her hand and rubbed her fingers. “Oh, but it did.”
    â€œForget it ever did. It can’t happen.” She let go and stormed out of the laundry room.

Chapter 6
    Taking a deep breath outside the laundry room door, Hope lifted her chin and walked to the dining area. Colin followed behind, but she refused to look at him. The visual of Colin’s disappointed face as she left him would be etched on her brain for days. Besides, she wouldn’t allow herself to be alone with him again, because her libido was obviously in charge tonight.
    Now she had to deal with the repercussions of being caught by Tim, the blabbermouth. She knew Tim would have a lot to say, but if she pretended it was no big deal, maybe they’d all forget about it. They walked to the table and three sets of eyes followed their every move.
    Wiggling his eyebrows at them both, Tim beamed. “So, how are you two doing?”
    Hope glared at him, and not quite ready to sound composed, she turned and joined Kelly in the kitchen.
    When she looked at Colin from the corner of her eye, he sat at the table and knocked back his half cup of Coke. “Sure could use a beer about now.”
    Several snickers followed.
    â€œSo,” Scott sat forward and whispered, “what’s going on, bro?”
    Colin shook his head and eyed Hope across the kitchen bar, then back to his brother. “Nothing.”
    Kelly raised an eyebrow and asked in a softened voice, “What’s going on?”
    Hope shook her head and nodded toward the back patio. “Outside.”
    Kelly and Hope made their way to the table. Her friend carried a loaded platter

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