Mattress Mart Murder

Free Mattress Mart Murder by Kayla Michelle

Book: Mattress Mart Murder by Kayla Michelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kayla Michelle
internet been treating you?”
    “Very well.”
    “That’s nice to hear.  You must have caught it on a good day.”
    “By the way, when this is over, remind me to delete my social media accounts.”
    “Any particular reason why?” Chloe asked. 
    “Looking back, I can’t believe some of the things I’ve posted,” Kristina replied. 
    Chloe laughed.  “If it makes you feel any better, you’re not the first person to ever say that.”
    “I’m serious.  The internet knows too much about me.”
    “Kristina, you’re supposed to be digging up dirt on the other suspects.”
    “I’ve been doing that as well.  It turns out the internet knows even more about those suspects, and now so do I.”
    “What do you have for me?” Chloe asked. 
    “To start, the address of Jason Diamond’s apartment,” Kristina revealed. 
    While Kristina was talking, Chloe heard arguing coming from the mattress mart. 
    Chloe put her phone conversation on hold and focused on what was going on at the mattress mart.  She saw Marty’s mistress, Jennifer Carter, rush out the front door looking completely outraged.  Following closely behind her was Marty’s wife, Delia Diamond. 
    Delia scolded Jennifer.   
    “That’s right, who got the better of who now?” Delia asked. 
    Jennifer then turned around and glared at Delia. 
    “You’re an even bigger witch than Marty said you were.  No wonder he was so happy when I came into his life,” Jennifer taunted. 
    Delia blew her top.  “Get out of here, and don’t ever come back.”
    “Fire me all you want.  I’ll take you to court for wrongful termination,” Jennifer insisted. 
    “Do that and I’ll crush you.  No one gets the best of Delia Diamond.”
    Jennifer then huffed away to her car.   
    Delia stared daggers into Jennifer’s back the entire time.
    Meanwhile, back in the parking lot, Chloe whispered into her phone.  “Text me Walter’s address.”
    “Why don’t you just write it down now?” Kristina asked, over the phone.
    “Because I have Delia Diamond in my sights,” Chloe answered. 
    “Give her the business,” Kristina insisted.
    With Delia Diamond so focused on glaring at Jennifer Carter, it gave Chloe the perfect opportunity to catch her off guard.  Delia didn’t even notice Chloe approaching. 
    “Mrs. Diamond,” Chloe said. 
    Delia clutched her chest, completely startled. 
    “What are you doing, sneaking up on me like that?  You scared me half to death.”
    “I’m sorry about that.  There’s been enough death in your family recently.”
    Delia was very combative.  “What do you know about that?”
    “I just wanted to share my condolences.  I’m very sorry for your loss.”
    Delia’s mood didn’t soften in the least.  She was short with Chloe again.  “Who are you?  More importantly, how did you know my husband?”
    With all that happened at the barbecue yesterday, she apparently didn’t see Chloe.  That could work to Chloe’s advantage. 
    “Don’t worry, I wasn’t sleeping with your husband.  It seemed like Jennifer Carter had the market cornered on that,” Chloe said. 
    Delia went into a rage.  “Why would you bring that up?” 
    The reason was simple. People tended to get careless with their words the more emotional they became.  So if Chloe was able to push Delia to the emotional brink, maybe Delia would let something slip out. 
    There was a flip side to that coin however.  Intentionally pushing people’s buttons could lead to explosive and possibly dangerous results.  Delia was a murder suspect after all.  If she had killed her husband, who was to say she wouldn’t do the same again?  Chloe had to take that chance. 
    Chloe steamrolled right by Delia’s question.
    “I can’t help but notice how quickly you fired Jennifer,” Chloe said. 
    “It’s my company.  I can do what I want,” Delia barked. 
    “That’s right.  With your husband

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