Chasing Beautiful (Chasing Series #1)

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Book: Chasing Beautiful (Chasing Series #1) by Pamela Ann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Ann
aching core.
    J ust one kiss , I thought wildly. I just want a taste. Turning around to face him, we closely stared at each other—intently. Electric current between us crackled and sizzled. It was heady—intoxicating—searing. 
    My gaze fell on his lips. One taste, that’s it. Feeling bold I licked my own bottom lip. It’s now or never. Do it .
    Slanting my head, I kissed him very softly. A guttural sound came from his throat as he devoured my lips. His kiss was demanding with potent alacrity as I matched his passion.
    This. Gorgeous. Man. Wants. Me.
    Hooking my leg on his hips , locking them against me—the feel of him being this close—drove my body to a raging inferno. I’m so screwed.
    Feeling b razen, I tugged and pulled his shirt off. I needed to touch — feel — taste his hardened chest. I greedily stroked his chest as his kisses became rapacious. Encouraged from his groans, I kissed his neck and ran my whole hand on his chest, scratching his erect nipple.
    “ Ahhhhh.” Blake howled from pain and pleasure.
    He speedily fli pped me on my back and kissed my swollen lips hard. He briskly opened my boxer-clad legs and positioned his hot, hard body above me. Our tongues clashed as I locked both of my legs on him. His erection pressed boldly against his sheer pajamas. The heat of his erection rubbing with urgency against my covered mound sent me into a tail spin.
    We were on fire. I felt his need, his frustration, his want, his desire from his blazing kisses.  The mixture was heady and downright intoxicating.
    I broke away from his mouth and moaned satisfyingly. The profound effect his body had on me was astounding. I felt drunk and more aroused than ever before.
    “ Blake.” I gasped with my sex-awakened voice.
    Gazing at me with lust-filled eyes, he grinded his hips harder on my pussy—making me even wetter.       
    Touch me. Please.
    Panting hard like he ran a marathon, he sat back, looking over my wanton state. I can’t breathe. Time stood still. He softly caressed the cleft of the boxers, over my pussy with his finger.
    I whimpered and bit my lip, hard . 
    Blake…what you do to me…
    Th e evidence of my arousal seeped through the soaked silk fabric, wet and hot. His finger grazed it, teasingly and stopped right there—holding my gaze, he spoke. “You’re so beautiful— you have no idea —how much I want to fuck you—hard and fast as you scream my name when you orgasm. I want to feel you come apart beautifully while my cock fucks you harder.” Oh, shit. My throat ran dry, his eyes pure with torment. “You have no idea…how much this is killing me—but I’m keeping my promise. You will be mine, Sienna . Not just for your body, I want everything from you—I’ll wait—you’re worth the wait.” His voice gruff but very much determined.
    He shrugged and looked away. Was he for real? What if I just want to get laid without the emotional hang ups?
    “Blake—I— are you serious ?” I croaked out, wide-eyed in disbelief.
    The infuriating man k issed me softly and quickly pulled his body away. “Breakfast will be ready and waiting in ten minutes.” With that, he left the bed and exited the door with an evident hard-on.
    I was left with my mouth agape and still wide opened legs, waiting to be ambushed. Who. Does. That?
    How can he just walk away when I’m more than willing? It’s not the body he just wants to possess. He wants you—body and soul—and won’t settle just for your body.
    He wants it all.
    I had to get up and shower.
    He wouldn’t change his mind. Not until I’ve cleared my emotional closet and cleaned up all the cobwebs hanging loosely about.
    How long will that take?
    I cursed.
    Blake. Fucking. Knightly.

    Showered and dressed with Blake’s Manchester United football jersey, I piled my hair up and went straight to the kitchen.
    Upon entering, I stood frozen and watched as Blake placed an omelet and bacon on both plates. His hair was still wet from the

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