Chasing Beautiful (Chasing Series #1)

Free Chasing Beautiful (Chasing Series #1) by Pamela Ann

Book: Chasing Beautiful (Chasing Series #1) by Pamela Ann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Ann
determined voice without his eyes leaving mine.
    He wants me.
    Blake Knightly. Wants. Me.
    I was excited, but at the same time, I wanted to run to the hills.
    “ Blake, if you must insist, but until I make up my mind—you have to respect my boundaries,” I gave him a peck on the left cheek, moved a little closer to his ear and whispered “thank you.” I accidentally grazed my nipples on his chest. The friction tingled all the way to my core. He immediately hissed through his clenched teeth.
    Oh, my God . That felt wonderful.
    “Sienna—try not to test my limit s—because I would gladly throw caution out and take you right here until I’ve had my fill of that glorious body—until you’re limp and worn-out from me fucking you,” warning me with tested patience.
    What the hell do I say to that?
    I stepped out of the pool, leaving him as his powerful gaze burned holes through my back.
    I daren’t look back unless I want to play with fire.
    H e was searing, scorching, and sizzling with fire waiting to be unleashed.
    ON. ME. Shit.

    I woke up startled from my surroundings and it dawned on me that I was in Blake’s apartment. The bedroom was simple with a touch of understated warm elegance and twice the size of my room.
    A modern queen-sized bed sat in the middle of the room with russet-colored, damask patterned wallpaper. The other two walls were painted an ecru shade, complementing the chic design. Lamps made of an actual rock in amber sat on both sides of the bed. A contemporary chaise lounge in pistachio silk slanted in the corner along with a large antique mahogany coffee table. The room basked aglow with three shaded, floor-to-ceiling glass windows overlooking the streets of Mayfair.
    His entire apartment, which was the whole tenth floor, was styled in the same manner: modern contemporary and expensive French antique accents. The combination gave the whole place subtle warmth. I smiled. The comparison of the apartment and its owner was uncanny.
    I gently rubbed my eyes as I yawned. Events from yesterday flashed through my drowsy head. He drove us straight back to his place from the spa. Surprised, yes, but I was too exhausted to argue with him to take me back to my own place in Covent Garden.
    Deep down, I was pleased that he wanted me to be close to him.
    He cooked dinner; it was superb. I hadn’t known he was quite the skilled cook.  After we ate, we caught a couple of episodes of Game of Thrones from the DVR player. We lounged with a bottle of red wine and chocolate truffles from the famous La Maison du Chocolat—a completely marvelous way to end our day.
    During the entire evening, he never once tried to make a pass. He was respectful and kept his distance, though he did find ways to subtly touch me. Whereas you turn into a brainless creature every time he does touch you?
    I was aware of him —whether he was in the room or not.
    He acted like the usual Blake and that put me at ease.  I was relieved . My mind was confused when it came to him. I mean— I know what I want —but when he was being all sexy and seductive—my thoughts turned to mush—and that was perplexing.
    When it was time for bed, he handed me one of his silk boxers and a shirt to wear. He decided, without asking me , that I should stay with him for the next few days until Sunday—when Luce arrives.
    S chool starts Monday as he too begins his lengthy training to become a tycoon like his grandfather—Blake will be shadowing him until he’s ready to retire, which looms in the horizon. Blake’s been learning the ins and outs of the business for the last two years—but this time—he’ll take on most of the responsibilities. His grandfather wants Blake to take over as soon as he’s deemed him ready.
    Their family business is vast from what Toby told me. From oil, five-star restaurants, and real estate to hotels and casinos, just to name a few. I doubt their family would be estimated to be worth billions without

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