First We Take Manhattan

Free First We Take Manhattan by Mina MacLeod

Book: First We Take Manhattan by Mina MacLeod Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mina MacLeod
Tags: Sci-Fi, M/M romance
ignore the way his insides are winding up tight. Then Dave rubs his stomach, and the room is too quiet for him not to hear Gabe's sharp intake of breath.
    Gabe's eyes fly open. He finds himself looking into Dave's. Dave swallows audibly, and he licks his lips. Gabe's afraid to say anything—afraid the image will shatter if either of them makes a move.
    Then Dave says, "You are getting soft around the edges." He bends down to kiss Gabe's belly, making him suck in another gasp. "Mm." He nibbles the pliant flesh, making Gabe squirm.
    "Dave," he says, afraid of how far this will go—afraid of how far it won't.
    Dave moans appreciatively, dipping his tongue into Gabe's navel. "Does it still hurt? Tell me where."
    Gabe makes a noise when Dave's lips start moving. Soon he's clawing at the mat, trying to find purchase and failing. Dave stops at the fabric of his shirt, poking at it with his nose. He pushes himself up, and when their eyes lock, Gabe forgets to breathe.
    Dave licks his lips again. The air is cool against Gabe's stomach now. "It's not just me, is it?" Dave asks, apprehensive. "Tell me it's not just me."
    Gabe's kept the desire locked away for so long that he doesn't know how to let it out. He opens and closes his mouth a few times. On the fourth attempt, he manages to say, "It's never been just you."
    "God," Dave groans, climbing over him. Gabe doesn't move until Dave is balancing on all fours and he's trapped underneath of him. He grabs Dave's thighs, hands stroking the muscles. Dave bends closer, leaning on his forearms.
    When they kiss, Gabe closes his eyes but opens his mouth. Dave goes all in or not at all, the same way he does everything. He kisses deeper, pinning Gabe to the floor with his tongue alone. Gabe feels his belly tighten with arousal. He opens his mouth wider because it's all he can do. Dave takes and takes and takes. When they do break for air, one of Dave's arms snakes downward, groping under Gabe's t-shirt.
    "Dave," Gabe says, lolling his head. Dave is undeterred, nibbling the underside of Gabe's jaw. His fingers find the flat coin of Gabe's nipple, teasing until it pebbles up. "Dave," he tries again, even as his own fingers are busy grabbing handfuls of Dave's ass.
    "Hmm?" Dave replies, licking along Gabe's collarbone.
    Gabe forces himself to focus. "Dave, we are going to get seven kinds of fired if we keep this up."
    Dave groans in protest, reluctantly pulling away. "Fine," he says, rolling off of Gabe. He drops his face in his hands, probably trying to will away his erection.
    Gabe sits up, glaring at the tent his crotch. "God," he says, rubbing his face.
    "We're going to your place," Dave says. "Right now."
    Gabe laughs, not ready to move yet. "David Cortez, I'm not that kind of guy."
    Dave looks up at him and grins. "Okay, then how about this:  Gabriel Dumas, would you let me take you out to dinner? And if it's a nice restaurant, if everything is to your satisfaction, would you let me take you home?"
    "I'd love to," Gabe says without hesitation.
    Dave says he wants to do everything properly. Gabe indulges him, so they end up heading home to change into something more formal. They agree to meet at a posh Italian place a few blocks away from the station. Gabe settles on gray slacks and a burgundy dress shirt.
    When he climbs out of his cab, Dave is there to take his hand. Gabe catches a scent of ocean breeze. Dave is wearing black slacks and a red pinstriped dress shirt. He looks incredible; Gabe has to make a conscious effort not to gape.
    "Hi," Dave says, dropping a kiss on the corner of his lips.
    "Hi, yourself," Gabe says, grip flexing on his cane. "I'm fine," he adds when Dave gives the cane a pointed look. "Just didn't want to ruin our evening by pushing myself."
    "Good." Dave curls an arm around his waist and kisses him again. "Hungry?"
    "Starving," Gabe confesses, and he may or may not be talking about food.
    They move into the restaurant, Dave's hand still around Gabe's waist.

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