Arielle Immortal Struggle (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 7)

Free Arielle Immortal Struggle (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 7) by Lilian Roberts

Book: Arielle Immortal Struggle (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 7) by Lilian Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lilian Roberts
need some type of mediation,” he said thoughtfully, pinching the tip of his nose. Immediately, all heads swiveled toward Eva.
    “What?” she asked, blowing her hair out of her face.
    “Eva,” Gabrielle whispered. Her eyes narrowed as she regarded her. “You’re the only one with the ability to connect with Arielle’s thoughts. I have witnessed the connection between the two of you. It is at a very deep level and quite amazing, if I must say. Eva, this is as serious as anything can get.” Her voice was coated with profound concern. “Please try and bridge your minds,” Gabrielle furthered. Eva’s eyes shot up, filled with anxiety.
    “Can you do that, Miss Winters?” Professor Allworth asked, eyes wide open.
    Eva nodded, but didn’t say anything. She needed a little time for the earth to stop tilting about her. Her gaze moved to Sebastian’s face and her muscles tensed. If she could only feel half of the pain he was feeling, she would be able to explain the dismal expression that painted his beautiful face. The more she thought about what Sebastian said, the angrier she got. She finally turned to face Professor Allworth. “Yes, Arielle and I use streams of energy to telepathically convey our thoughts. We have successfully bridged our thoughts in the past and I’m sure going to try this again,” she said through clenched teeth.
    “How can that possibly work?” Allworth was dumbfounded.
    “Arielle has to be conscious. She must be aware that she dropped her amulet and our way of communicating is the only hope she has to let us know where she is.”
    “That is absolutely amazing,” Allworth said, utterly surprised.
    Christian, Isabella, Loren, and Paul exchanged shocked glances, but remained pokerfaced and didn’t say a word.
    “How long has she been gone?” Sebastian asked again. Pain coated his voice.
    “About an hour,” said Gabrielle.
    “If she was gagged and drugged, she will be most likely unconscious for the next hour or so,” Sebastian said and gritted his teeth. He knew that he had to grab control of the situation. He must regain his unbreakable immortal composure and bring Arielle home safely. At this point, nothing was more important, nothing more urgent than having the love of his life back in his arms.
    “Eva, can you please try?” Sebastian pleaded, watching her closely.
    “Yes,” Eva replied. She paused fractionally. “I’m already working on it. I’ll keep at it until I connect with her thoughts.”
    “I think y…” Sebastian’s phone rang, and he didn’t finish his sentence. Flipping it open, he answered quickly without looking at the screen.
    “Sebastian!” Dylan’s voice boomed from the other end. “I have both bad news and some great news!”
    “What is it, Dylan? I don’t think I need any more bad news right now.”
    “You sound terrible,” he said.
    “What’s up?” Sebastian said, ignoring his statement.
    “My agents in Brussels just called. They intercepted a conversation between Jorrit and the two goons that he sent to Brighton. Unfortunately, they already have Arielle.” His voice was anxious, but quite cheery.
    What is he so happy about? Sebastian thought to himself. “Yes, we know,” Sebastian replied flatly. “Arielle has been missing for over an hour now,” he continued glumly.
    “Listen to me. I know that you’re upset, but I have some great news!” he exclaimed.
    “I don’t understand,” Sebastian muttered.
    “Jorrit told his goons here that two assassins are flying in from Belarus to take over the situation. He asked Vitorio to pick them up at the airport,” he paused and took a deep breath.
    Sebastian’s mind was working double time trying to figure out the best way to bring Arielle home. “How is that great news?” he asked absentmindedly.
    “Sebastian! He gave Vitorio a detailed description of the two men, their flight number, and the airline. They are due to land in two and half hours at

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