Arielle Immortal Struggle (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 7)

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Book: Arielle Immortal Struggle (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 7) by Lilian Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lilian Roberts
lapped across Sebastian’s face in rapid pace.
    “I pray that she wasn’t harmed,” he said severely. Everyone seemed to be at a loss for words.
    “I’ll tear their bodies apart piece by piece. I will make their death slow and painful.” The cold in his voice sipped right through their veins and settled into the marrow of their bone. They didn’t trust the goons to keep their hands off of Arielle. The good thing was this would be over in a very short time. Arriving at Sebastian’s home, they all headed for the fridge in need of salve to boost their energy to the ultimate level. They put in place and discussed a short plan and, soon thereafter, they were in their car and on the way to the airport. Sebastian’s sole thought was to bring Arielle home safely and into his arms where she belonged.

Chapter 6
     EARLY THE MORNING of the abduction, Vitorio and Mauritsio arrived at the campus parking lot and sat in the car, patiently waiting and planning. Suddenly Vitorio’s mobile rang.
    “Yeah,” he answered blankly.
    “Vitorio, it’s Jorrit.”
    “Yes, sir,” he said making a ghastly face.
    “I called Vasily in Belarus, and he’s sending two of his men. They’ll be arriving in Brighton on an afternoon flight. Do you have a piece of paper? You’ll have to pick them up.”
    “Yes, hold on for just a second.”
    He pulled a pen out of his shirt pocket and used the newspaper as a pad. “I’m ready; go ahead.”
    Jorrit gave him the flight number, the time of arrival, and a clear description of the two goons.
    “I have it,” Vitorio said vacuously.
    “Vitorio, I gave them a description of you and Mauritsio. I’m sure you will recognize each other. Don’t forget to pick them up,” Jorrit’s voice boomed over the phone.
    “We won’t,” Vitorio replied and rolled his eyes in clear exasperation.
    “He must think that I’m stupid,” he growled after Jorrit ended the call. “I hate him,” he emphasized again. Mauritsio remain silent. They sat quietly and waited, just as they did each and every morning.
    A few minutes later, they saw Sebastian and Arielle pulling into a parking space. Sebastian stepped out of the car and, walking around, he opened Arielle’s door and helped her out.
    “He’s quite the gentleman,” Mauritsio snorted.
    “I’d like to show him gentleman,” Vitorio added and made a nasty gesture.
    Sebastian picked up her book bag in one hand and, clasping Arielle’s hand with the other, he pulled her toward the main building. They heard a digital beep as Sebastian pressed the fob key in his key chain. It was not long before they noticed the rest of their friends arrive, one couple after the other.
    “I do wish our lives could be as trouble-free as their lives are,” Mauritsio murmured. “Sometimes I’m sick of this life and the baggage that comes with it.”
    “I know,” Vitorio muttered. “I have the same thoughts, quite often, but I know that it’s too late to change this. There is actually no way out of this,” he furthered bitterly. “It is this or the morgue.” Silence stretched between them as they both shuddered at the thought. Vitorio leaned back on the headrest and closed his eyes. Now they had to wait just as they did every day. He was dozing off when Mauritsio’s shocked voice snapped him out of his stupor.
    “What is it?” he stammered, blinking rapidly.
    “Look! Sebastian and one of his friends are leaving without the girls.”
    “What?” Vitorio was utterly startled. “What do you suppose this means?”
    “I’ve no idea, but whatever it means, I like it,” Mauritsio said, shaking his head in pure delight. They watched them both as they climbed into Troy’s car and sped out of the parking lot with a sense of urgency.
    “That’s just unbelievable,” Vitorio whispered astoundingly, weighing the possibilities out loud of what they just saw. “If they don’t come back, the girl will be alone.” There was hope in the tone of his voice.

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