Arielle Immortal Struggle (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 7)

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Book: Arielle Immortal Struggle (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 7) by Lilian Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lilian Roberts
    Sebastian’s eyes shot up. “Hey, Dylan, that’s fantastic!” Sebastian couldn’t hide his joy. “Can I have those details?”
    “Sure, do you have a pen and paper?”
    “I don’t need to write it down. I’m ready; go ahead.”
    “They are flying in on Belarusian Airlines flight 234. The assassins are both tall and stocky with blond hair and blue eyes. They will be dressed in jeans and white shirts. Each one will be holding a brown briefcase and carrying a brown duffle bag. I know that Vitorio is tall, black hair, and green eyes, so you can keep that in mind. All those details should make them pretty easy to identify.”
    “Dylan, you have no idea how grateful I am.”
    “Sebastian, I know how eager you are to bring Arielle home. I can’t keep you from going to the airport, but please be careful, and let my men do their job. They know how to tail cars inconspicuously and they will follow them to where they are holding Arielle. I promise you that Arielle will be home today.”
    Sebastian couldn’t contain his cheerfulness. “Thank you, Dylan. I’ll be careful. I will stay out of your men’s way.” His beautiful face lit up with exhilaration. When he was off the phone, he took a deep breath and laughed joyfully.
    Everyone around him, but for Paul and Gabrielle seemed jubilant. They had all heard the conversation between Dylan and Sebastian using their immortal ability.
    “What is going on?” Gabrielle asked, glancing around, completely lost. “Why are you all so happy? Did they find Arielle?”
    “No, Gabby,” said Eva, “but Arielle is going to be home shortly.”
    “What?” She stared at Eva, with eyes wide open.
    Eva rehashed the details of the phone call.
    Sebastian turned his attention to Troy, Ian, and Christian. He was determined to bring all the horrid events to an end. “I would appreciate if you go with me to the airport. Everyone else, please go home, and we will keep you informed.”
    “But, Sebastian, I want to help,” Loren whined.
    Sebastian’s lips quirked up at his sister’s eagerness. “No, Loren, you need to go home with Paul. If I need you or Eva or Isabella, I will contact you. Keep your mobiles close.”
    Gabrielle glanced at Sebastian mulishly. “I want to help,” she said vehemently.
    “Gabrielle, please go home, baby,” Troy said, taking Gabrielle in his arms and kissing her softly.
    She made a face and held back the urge to roll her eyes, but didn’t argue. “Can I have the keys please?” she asked.
    “Oh, bloody hell!” Troy cried out and made a ghastly face. “We left the car at Dylan’s office.”
    “Take my car,” Sebastian said. He pulled the keys that Ian gave him out of his jean pocket and handed them to her. “We can’t use my car anyway. It is too small.”
    “We can use mine,” Ian jumped in.
    “Isabella, can you please take Eva home?” Ian asked, and bending down, he pressed a soft kiss on Eva’s forehead.
    Finally, Sebastian turned fractionally and gazed at Professor Allworth. “Professor, thank you for waiting here and for your concern. I’ll ring you when Arielle is home safe,” Sebastian said and, reaching out, he shook his hand appreciatively.
    “I’ll be anxious to hear from you,” he said softly. “I’m very fond of Arielle. She is quite a remarkable girl.”
    “Thank you, Professor,” Sebastian beamed at him. “I couldn’t agree more.”
    Once everyone dispersed, the guys piled into Ian’s BMW and headed for Sebastian’s home.
    “What are we going to do about Dylan’s men?” Ian asked.
    “I wouldn’t worry about them. We’ll outsmart them as we did last year. When we arrive at the place they are holding Arielle, we’ll enter using our immortal speed, and we’ll become invisible to the human eye. We’ll be in and out of there in no time at all.” A strong bothersome feeling in the pit of his stomach made him swallow hard, and he scowled.
    “What is it?” Ian asked, watching the expressions that

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