Hunted (Dark Protectors)

Free Hunted (Dark Protectors) by Rebecca Zanetti

Book: Hunted (Dark Protectors) by Rebecca Zanetti Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Zanetti
Right now she wanted to prove it to him by turning him into a frog. Not possible, yet the idea calmed her.
    Peter sat back, his hands clasped before him on the tablet. “I understand the oath, Moira. Does your mate?”
    Conn tightened his hold. “While I haven’t read the oath, considering everything you people do is shrouded in secrecy, I assume it’s similar to the oath of my soldiers. To give all to the cause.”
    Viv tapped a pencil on the stone. “Close enough. What if this comes down to war? Moira, there will be no choice for you.”
    Conn growled low enough only Moira heard. “Should we go to war, Councilwoman, I can assure you my mate would adhere to any vow. She’s the most honorable person I know.”
    Warmth filled Moira’s heart. Quite an endorsement from the prince. “Thank you,” she murmured softly.
    “And you, Connlan?” Brigid spoke up, her head tilted to the side. “You’d align against your mate?”
    Moira shuffled her feet. “Mother—”
    “No.” Conn’s voice rang deep and true. “I would not align against my mate.” His smile lacked any semblance of humor. “I would, however, take her away from danger, away from you.”
    Temper and amusement rose in Moira equally. “I believe that’s a debate for another day. For now, we need to find the missing coven members.”
    The lights flared and the two screens went blank.
    “Damn it,” Vivienne hissed. “What in the hell is wrong with the system?”
    Grace shrugged, typing rapidly on a keyboard out of Moira’s sight. “We’re down again.” She rolled dark brown eyes at the leader. “I’ll take notes and e-mail them to Trevan and Simone. Let’s finish this meeting.”
    Peter reclaimed his seat. “I’m not convinced we need to send our soldiers to train with the vampires. In addition, last time I checked, the Kurjans and the demons are at war with the Realm . If we withdraw, we’re no longer at war.”
    Conn growled low. “You’ve been discussing the situation with the demons, have you?”
    Moira frowned. “Of course not.” She focused on her aunt, waiting for Viv to agree.
    She remained quiet.
    Holy hell. Moira’s eyes widened. “You’ve been in negotiations with the demons? Seriously? They employ the worst mind warfare tactics imaginable. Surely we can’t be aligning with them.”
    “The decisions of the Nine are private, Moira.” Vivienne’s jaw hardened. “If you’d like to take your rightful place up here and stop playing around with the enforcers, then do it.”
    “That’s enough, Viv.” Moira’s mother pinned her sister with a glare. “My daughter has been one of the most successful enforcers in history these last thirty years. Don’t even think of downplaying her accomplishments.”
    Yea. Go mom. Moira lifted her chin. “Aligning with the demons is preposterous.” Not to mention an incredibly bad decision. The demons screwed with their enemies’ brains ... they destroyed minds. While they might align themselves with the witches for a time, no doubt they’d turn at some point. The mere thought of her abilities in the hands of the demons crawled terror down her spine. “Such an alliance is tantamount to declaring war on the Realm.”
    “I’m aware of that.” Vivienne glanced at Conn and back to Moira. “The Realm is weak. The Kurjans have been preparing for war for centuries, and now the demons have joined in. Not to mention the shifter clans coming after you since the king allowed Caleb Donovan back in the fold.”
    Moira fought the urge to scream. She understood why Dage let his old friend, who came with numerous allies, back into the Realm. The man had been unjustly blamed for the death of a prophet centuries ago. Ironically enough, Caleb had been claimed by fate as a prophet last year. A fact she’d heard he was denying loudly and often.
    Conn rolled his shoulders back. “The Realm isn’t weak, Councilwoman. Not by a long shot. While rejoining forces with Caleb angered the demons, as well a

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