Sex & the Single Girl

Free Sex & the Single Girl by Joanne Rock

Book: Sex & the Single Girl by Joanne Rock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanne Rock
wet and wild dreams, now would he?” His lips met the tingly skin of her throat, then traveled in a slow ride over her shoulder.
    Her breasts tightened all the more.
    â€œYou’re pretty self-important if you think I harbor the same fantasies now that I did back then, Aidan.” Liar. Liar.
    And God above, were her pants ever on fire.
    Brianne could barely stand still as Aidan studied her in the mirror with the slow thoroughness and open hunger of a lover.
    â€œIt may not be your fantasy anymore, but you can bet that sweet ass of yours it’s been mine for ten years running. You’d better spread those legs if you know what’s good for you.”
    Oh. My.
    Air rushed out of Brianne’s lungs as the reality of her situation rolled over her.
    Ten years after she’d teased Aidan with her sex-crazed schoolgirl daydreams, he was finally giving her what she’d asked for. And no matter that she’d dated a slew of guys since then or had taken a few adventurous turns in the bedroom to satisfy her inner vixen. Her fantasies about Aidan had never totally died.
    They’d just been shoved to the back of her consciousness. Until now.
    â€œI’m not the wild thing I used to be,” she confided, edging closer to the mirror. “Are you sure you’re still interested?”
    She didn’t say it to be coy. She wanted to make sure he understood she wasn’t the same woman who had proposed all those crazy sexual schemes to him a decade ago.
    But Aidan’s knee was already wedged between her thighs. “I said spread ’em.”
    He let go of her hair and grazed one hand over her starched shirt to rest on her abdomen. Right above the place she burned for his touch the most.
    The whole situation was out of control along with her body. This wasn’t good for her personal peace of mind or her professional association with the club. But closing time had come and gone and she wasn’t on the clock anymore.
    She’d worry about the consequences of her actions tomorrow. Hell, she was an expert at cleaning up from the fallout of her ex-stepfather’s shady dealings and her mother’s life dramas. Why shouldn’t she use all her sweep-it-under-the-rug skills for her own benefitfor a change? Surely she could find a way to make this problem go away.
    Right now, all she needed to do was lock the door and forget about everything except this one fantasy come to life.
    Wriggling her hands against Aidan’s grip, she met his gaze in the mirror. “The remote on my wrist can lock the office door. Two keys from the right on the top row.”
    Behind her, Aidan’s fingers worked the button and then slid her master remote control from her wrist. He tossed the device on the desk a few inches away. “The door’s locked.” He peered up at the wall of television screens behind them. “Your drunk is even now stumbling his way home up Ocean Drive and your club is closed for the night. You don’t have any excuses to keep you from complying now.”
    Actually, she did have a few reasons. But she didn’t feel like thinking about any of them when Aidan’s body hovered an inch away from hers.
    She edged her legs farther apart.
    Aidan stared down at her thighs in the mirror. He used one foot to nudge her stance even wider until her slim-fitting sequin skirt strained just a little.
    She gave him a cool look over her shoulder despite the fire raging between them. “If you’re searching me, Agent Maddock, I hardly think you’ll find anything under my skirt.”
    If she was going to indulge this fantasy scenario, she didn’t plan to do it in half measures. She would play her role to the hilt.
    Not unlike she had one long-ago night when he’d pulled into her driveway while she was in the process of climbing out her bedroom window. She’d teased him then too, shouting down to him while she toyed with the hem of her dress

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