Lucky: A Love Lane Short

Free Lucky: A Love Lane Short by Olivia Thomas

Book: Lucky: A Love Lane Short by Olivia Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Thomas
Tags: Romance, Sex, Ebook, free, standalone
Chapter One
    “ Son of a bitch,” I yell
while banging my fists on the vending machine window. It is taking
all of my strength not to burst into tears or, better yet, kick the
fucking shit out of the damn machine.
    “ For the love of God, all I
want is some chocolate. Give up the goods,” I wail again in
    Just when I thought my life
couldn’t possibly get any worse, here I am, hands gripping the
sides of a vending machine and fighting for a piece of candy that I
know will only lead me down a path of caloric destruction.
Chocolate today, my good friends Ben and
Jerry tomorrow and so on until I find
myself in a corner surrounded by empty bags of Skittles rocking back and forth and
mumbling about chasing rainbows.
    God, I’m such a
mess .
    “ Hey, Kate, honey, how
about you take a step back. I think the poor vending machine has
taken enough abuse for one morning and I wouldn’t be surprised if
the whole office heard you yelling.”
    I turn at the voice and
realize in my embarrassment that Mindy, my co-worker and best
friend, has been at the coffee counter this entire time, watching
me make a complete ass of myself. I can’t believe I just attacked
the vending machine. I am so mortified that if I could magically
make myself disappear right now I would. I have officially become
one of those people who bring their personal problems to
work. What the hell is wrong with
me? I briefly consider blaming it on my
period. That seems like a reasonable excuse for losing ones shit
    “ Sorry, Mindy, the last few
days have been shit.”
    “ I noticed. Here, take
this.” Mindy hands me half of her chocolate chip muffin then walks
over to the communal table where she pulls out a chair for me with
a slight nod, indicating that I should take a seat. I follow and
slowly lower myself down into the chair.
    “ So, what’s up?”
    Hesitant to show my failings
yet desperate to talk to someone, I can tell just by the look of
acceptance on Mindy’s face that she won’t judge or criticize. She
is here to listen to me vent and nothing more, which is just what I
    “ Braydon and I broke up,” I
tell her with a mix of anger and sadness.
    Mindy places her head on my
shoulder and snuggles in showing giving me the support I am
desperate for. “I never liked that asshole.”
    “ You did too, stop trying
to make me feel better by lying.”
    “ Girl code dictates that as
your best friend I am allowed to change my opinion of Braydon
without cause. It further states that it is my job to lie to you if
necessary in an effort to make you feel better. If you want I can
go get the codebook.” Mindy makes a move as if she is going to get
up from the table when I grab her arm and let out a strangled noise
that could only be considered a cross between a chuckle and
    “ No need for the book. I
believe you. Thank you for trying to make me feel
    “ Good, because the codebook
also says that I get to now make unending emasculating jokes about
the size of Braydon’s dick. What do you call a guy with a one-inch
    “ What?”
    “ Braydon!”
    “ Really Mindy? That’s the
best that you got?
    “ Well what do you expect?
You just dropped the breakup bomb and I haven’t had time to
prepare. I promise that tomorrow I will be on my game and full of
cock jokes. Okay?”
    “ Okay.”
    “ All joking aside how are
you really doing?” Mindy asks in a more somber tone.
    “ Honestly, not that great.
I just keep thinking that I have wasted the last five years of my
life. Everything I thought I was building, everything I have been
working my ass off for is gone. Poof! I have nothing to show for
it: no wedding ring, no babies, no mother-in-law to complain about,
no nothing. I busted my ass, working nights and weekends, gave up
family functions and date nights, drinks with friends, all for my
career. And where did it get me?” I say this with a wave of my
arms, indicating the small office kitchen. I end with

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