Beautiful to Me.

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Book: Beautiful to Me. by G. V. Steitz Read Free Book Online
Authors: G. V. Steitz
Ivy would like to say hello to you. Can you please not embarrass me?” He ended with him closing his eyes and offering me the phone, making me giggle a little.
                  “Hi Mrs. Cavalier? Hi this is Ivy… I… Yes Ma’am… yes Ma’am…  I appreciate that. Really that is very thoughtful but I… Ok, yes of course. Thank you so much. Ok, bye.” I held the phone out to Dominic and laughed. “She wants to speak with you.” Dominic groaned and took the phone. I was waiting to get his reaction. No sooner did I say that, Dominic’s head shot up and smiled really big. I never seen such a smile on anyone so big as his. “Ok, great. Yeah, thank Mom. Ok, see ya soon. Yeah, love you too. Bye.” He said the last part so quick, it was almost like he was embarrassed to admit he loved his mom. It was all so cute.
                  With a deep sigh and Dominic staring at me with that smile. “So, I see you got invited to my place. My mom told me she loves your voice and she cannot wait to show you ho to make her “famous apple pancakes.” Her words, not mine. Lucky you. I will break it down for you real quick. Mix the pancake batter, add chopped up apple pieces. Grill and eat.” Dominic stated quickly and I couldn’t stop laughing. “Ok, so I should go throw something in a bag I suppose.” I offered as I motioned to get up. Dominic had a different plan. He picked us both up like I was weightless, and walked me over to my bedroom, with my legs wrapped around him, I squealed.

Chapter 6.

    Home with the Cavalier ’s
    I got us over to my parents place. Ivy seemed nervous. We sat in the car a minute so I could calm her down.
    “ Ok, listen to me. My parents are Italian. I know, most people would say so? What’s the big deal? The BIG deal is… Unless you are Italian you have no idea what a dramatic shit storm you could possibly be walking into. First, and foremost, my mother. First she will be in utter disbelief at how skinny you are, “thank God you brought here, she needs to eat….” Then, she will start to offer you every single thing we have in the house to eat. After than, and you if you refuse everything, it’s considered an insult. If you don’t eat enough, she will just start bringing things out and pilling them all over the table. Following me so far?” I ask her. “Ivy, this isn’t funny. I am dead serious. Do you know Italian families who’s mom only has boys, and only wanted a daughter? Well I am next in line to start dragging all of her personal selections in and out of the house for me to marry. So unless you know how these things go, I am so not joking. Now I have to talk fast, because I am sure she can scent fresh blood here already, and she will come out and drag your ass in there. Focus.”
                  Ivy just sits there in the passenger car seat, turned towards me, turning red from probably lack of oxygen from laughing so much. “Please, I am going to pee in my pants, stop making me laugh. She can’t be that bad.” Ivy says, still laughing. All I did was roll my eyes, offered up a silent prayer to God and hoped for the best.
                  “Ivy, come on, pay attention! Stop laughing. I have maybe three minutes tops. Don’t worry about my father. He is the nice one with the girls us boys bring over. Don’t freak out if any of them in there start talking family trips, holidays you will now be sharing with us, you don’t need to give them a Christmas list… Ok, fine. You don’t believe me. You can’t even stop laughing. Great, now look who is here.  HI Ma. Grrr, stay there. If I don’t let you out myself I will get wacked with a wooden spoon. Stop laughing!”
                  I walk around my car, open the door for giggle face here, still red. Naturally, my mother’s smile drops off. “What in God’s name have you done with this little angel Dominic?” My mother says as she wraps Ivy up in her arms,

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