Beautiful to Me.

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Book: Beautiful to Me. by G. V. Steitz Read Free Book Online
Authors: G. V. Steitz
while narrowing her eyes to slits with a scowl on her face. Muttering something in Italian about being disrespectful to women and not feeding them.
                  “My angel, you are all skin and bones, you can’t survive like this. Come inside, I will cook for you.” Ma says. Causing Ivy to look over her shoulder at me and I give her a look back with an arched brow like, see. Now, go and laugh.” Knowing my mother, Ivy will be eating nonstop until she lives tomorrow. AFTER DINNER tomorrow. Yep, she laughs now. Just wait little Ivy.
                  We all clamor inside. Ivy, is whisked off to the kitchen. I probably won’t see her until sometime tomorrow afternoon. My parents almost fell back on their ass’s for the manors Ivy had.
                  “Thank you very much for allowing me to come to your home so late in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Cavalier. I didn’t want to impose however, Dominic insisted I come over here. He wouldn’t stop talking about your wonderful breakfasts. I wish I would have thought of something to bring as a dish to pass. I’m sorry, I will next time. I mean if I am ever invited back. I’m sorry.” Ivy said trying not to fidget and her cheeks got pink when she said if she got invited back. Oh Lord. She doesn’t know my mother. Just you wait Miss Ivy.
                  “Oh, Joseph, did you hear how polite and sweet this young lady is?” My mother had her hand on her chest like she never heard of anyone calling her Mrs. before, let alone offer to bring a dish to pass. I just sat on the kitchen chair and watched the show. My mother is REALLY dramatic. So, half the fun is watching someone who is clueless to this type of strange way us Italian’s cohabit and it is really entertaining. I just shake my head slowly as my mom starts pulling things out of the fridge, passing them to my father and then to me, to put all over the table. My father physically placed Ivy in the chair, HIS chair , the “HEAD of the family, no one sits here but me chair.” Yep. Right there. Ivy of course, was still laughing and talking to my mother like they were long lost friends. I am so happy I found my mother a new friend. I suppose I should just go to bed and forget about my chances of talking with her anymore with my mother around.
                  “Ah… Hello? If any one cares, I am just going to go run upstairs and change into some sweats or something. Ok? Does any care? Hello… Hel… Never mind.” I start mumbling to myself and jump the stairs two at a time to get changed. Might as well put my fat clothes on if I have to start eating with Ivy.
                  No sooner do I hop down the stairs and get back into the kitchen, I literally freeze in my tracks. Ivy is still at the head of the table, and she has a plate of food in front of her face, nearly covering her entire face. And her and my parents are going through photo albums. Yes. The embarrassing ones when you are kids and looking stupid, doing stupid things. Ivy, is laughing so much, I didn’t think I would of ever heard her laugh so much.
                  “MA! What are you doing????” I yell, causing them all to look up at me. Ivy still hasn’t stopped laughing. “I like the one of you dressed up like a little girl.” Ivy belts out making throw myself in another chair and bang my head on the table. “Why me…”
                  “Oh, stop be so dramatic Dominic, really I mean, I don’t know where you get it from.” My mother states, making my head jerk up and look at Ivy. “You have to be kidding me right?” I ask out loud. Ivy looks at me and winks while she shrugs her shoulders and gets back to my mothers stories.
                  “Aweeee, look at this one. Oh my God!” Ivy squeals. Please God don’t be the one I think it is. Please God don’t let it be…I silently pray…”You were a FAIRY!” Ivy laughs and is laughing so

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