Deathless Love

Free Deathless Love by Renee Rose

Book: Deathless Love by Renee Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Rose
through, “Yes.”  Then a third, “Kind of. :)”
    He smiled at that and sent her a smiley face back.
    He spent the rest of the week inventing quick, easy errands for her to run for him. He wanted her to feel like she was helping him out, so that it wasn't just a big, fat favor he'd done for her. But he also knew she was extremely busy with her graduate studies, so he didn't want to add to her stress level. He was able to limit his contact with her by having her drop off the goods she'd picked up for him at the bar before he got there, and swearing he didn't need his car during the nights.
    She showed up early to perform on Friday and plopped down at the bar. She was wearing a small, fitted t-shirt with a picture of a dachshund that said “I wieners.” She had on cut-off jean shorts and her cowgirl boots. Her platinum hair had a blue streak in it this week and was in short, fluffy pigtails. Only Kate could get away looking rockabilly rather than slut in an outfit like that. She was smoking hot.
    He brought her a ginger ale with lime and she tossed a slip of paper across the bar at him. He picked it up. It was the Victoria's Secret receipt. She had a little bit of a naughty-girl smirk on her face and he couldn't help but grin.
    “Do I get a fashion show?”
    She nodded, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.
    “Mmm… lucky me. Tonight?”
    “Yep. It's all in the car.”
    He lifted and lowered his lips quickly to show her what she'd just done to his fangs and she giggled. “It's a date, then,” she said, sliding off the bar stool.
    He left Stella in charge of locking up after closing time because Kate looked absolutely wiped out. She'd put her all into her performance, as usual, and didn't look up for anything but bed by the time they had turned on the fluorescents to shoo customers out. “Come on,” he said, putting an arm around her waist and leading her out to his car. “I'll drive you home.”
    “Thanks,” she sighed. She stared out the window as they drove in silence for a while. He could feel tension coming from her, but he wasn't sure what it was about. Then she volunteered, “My master's thesis proposal is due on Monday. I'm supposed to meet with my committee.”
    Ah. That explained everything. “How's it coming?”
    “It's not.”
    “What is your thesis about?”
    “Something about how music boosts mathematical abilities in children. Except I haven't worked out what my angle is, exactly.”
    “Well, what are you thinking?”
    “I don't know!” she snapped defensively.
    “You must have some ideas,” he pressed.
    “I don't, okay? I don't have a clue!”
    “Just tell me where you want to head with it.”
    “Jesus, Dom, would you leave it alone?” she snapped. “This fucking conversation isn't helping!”
    He swung the wheel and pulled the car over to the side of the road, turning off the engine. She looked at him in astonishment. If he could have worked out how to make it happen in the front seat of his car, he would have spanked her right there. But it seemed impossible.
    “I'm going to ask you to try that again,” he said coolly.
    Her eyes were wide and he could feel her nervous tension galvanizing into fear. Her face flushed. “I-I'm sorry,” she stammered. “I'm just stressed out, that's all. I didn't mean to take it out on you.”
    “Rephrase your previous statement,” he prompted her.
    “Okay…” she said slowly. “I'd rather not talk about my thesis right now because I'm wound up about not knowing what to propose.” She blinked a few times, like she was trying to keep from crying.
    He started the car. “Better.”
    He let her sit in silence for the rest of the ride, fidgeting under the pressure of the tension between them. When they got to her place, he walked her to the door and paused in the doorway after she entered.
    “Vampires need an invitation to enter,” he said. “Wait—” He held up his hand to silence her when she opened her mouth. “You should know

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